Namenlijst Brits begraafplaats Mierlo

Mierlo War Cemetery Brits ereveld in Mierlo.

De begraafplaats is gesticht in het voorjaar van 1945, rond het einde van de Tweede Wereldoorlog. De meeste slachtoffers die er begraven liggen sneuvelden in de omliggende regio in de periode van september tot november 1944, meest ten zuiden en westen van de Maas en, verder westelijk, bij gevechten om de monding van de Schelde.

Namenlijst van Britse militairen die in Nederland tijdens WOII zijn gesneuveld



voornaam - achternaam - datum overlijden - rang en of legeronderdeel 



R.F. Adam 22-11-1944 trooper 3rd Reconnaissance Regiment
F.W. Adams 31-10-1944 private The Royal Scots
J.S. Adams 30-10-1944 private The Glasgow Highlanders H.L.I. 
A.R. Aitken 04-12-1944 private The Royal Scots
L.D. Aldridge 18-10-1944 private The Royal Norfolk Regiment
S.G. Alexander 24-09-1944 major 61st Regiment Recc. Corps 
A.W. Anderson 31-10-1944 l.cpl The Cameronians
D. Anderson 17-11-1944 The Queens Own Cameron Highlanders
G.M. Anderson 28-09-1944 private The Middlesex Regiment 
J. Anderson 31-10-1944 l.sjt The Gordon Highlanders 
J. Anderson 07-01-1945 corporal Pioneer Corps 
W.R. Andrew 28-09-1944 corporal The Royal Scots 
A. Appleton 31-10-1944 private The Highland Light Infantry 
G. Arnold 16-10-1944 private The East Yorkshire Regiment
D. Ashley 25-09-1944 Royal Army Medical Corps 
D.J.C. Aston 13-10-1944 serjeant Grenadier Guards 
G. Aston 14-10-1944 private The South Lancashire Regiment
J.Y. Aubne 01-12-1944 rifleman The Royal Ulster Rifles
C.A. Ayscough 06-11-1944 serjeant Grenadier Guards 


R.R. Baggaley 02-12-1944 private 3rd bn. The Monmouthshire Regiment 
R. Bailey 06-11-1944 fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
A.J. Baldwin 08-10-1944 gunner Royal Artillery 
Desmond Arthur John William Ball 21-02-1945 flying officer navigator Royal Air Force 
S.F. Ball 22-09-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 
J. Bannister 15-11-1944 private Royal Army Medical Corps 
R.W. Barker 19-10-1944 private The East Yorkshire Regiment 
F. Barlow 31-10-1944 corporal The Cameronians 
A.W. Barnes 17-11-1944 serjeant 2nd Londen YEO. Westminster Dragoons 
V.J. Barnes 16-10-1944 sapper Royal Engineers 
W.A. Barrows 21-09-1944 private The Herefordshire Regiment 
E.E. Bathurst 05-12-1944 l.cpl Royal Canadian Army Service Corps
D.W. Beale 03-11-1944 signalman Royal Signals 
E.R. Bedford 22-09-1944 private The Herefordshire Regiment 
L. Beech 25-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
F.H.S. Behling 31-10-1944 l.cpl 15th Regiment Recce. Corps R.A.c. 
W.J. Bell 11-10-1944 serjeant The Black Watch
J. Bennett 06-11-1944 serjeant The Seaforth Highlanders 
C.E. Benson 10-11-1944 corporal The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 
F.C. Berry 08-12-1944 l.cpl The Middlesex Regiment
N.H. Bexley 28-11-1944 corporal Royal Engineers 
H. Bibby 29-09-1944 fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
G. Bickerton 16-10-1944 sapper Royal Engineers 
G.J. Bickerton 21-09-1944 private The Herefordshire Regiment 
J.A. Biddle 01-01-1945 gunner Royal Artillery 
B. Bidwell 10-11-1944 private The Glasgow Highlanders H.L.I. 
E.M. le Bihan 23-08-1945 Royal Army service corps 
E.S. Billingham 19-10-1944 l.cpl. The Suffolk Regiment 
A.G. Birch 03-11-1944 serjeant 2nd London YEO Westminster Dragoons
R. Birkin 06-10-1944 private The Royal Warwickshire Regiment
C. Birrell 31-10-1944 private The Seaforth Highlanders 
F.C. Blowers 31-10-1944 rifleman The Cameronians
A.H. Blowing 17-10-1944 private The Royal Norfolk Regiment
B.F.E. Boileau 22-11-1944 gunner Ayrshire Yeomanry 151 Field Reg. R.A. 
W. Bowley 22-09-1944 serjeant 5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards 
F. Boyer 24-09-1944 private The Royal Arwickshire Regiment 
W. Boyes 30-10-1944 private The Glasgow Highlanders H.L.I. 
R. Brace 25-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
P.W. Bradford 23-09-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 
W. Bramble 24-09-1944 rifleman The Cameronians 
C.W.S. Branch 20-05-1945 major Royal Artillery 
J.E. Breavington 26-09-1944 private The Highland Light Inf. 
J. Breckenridge 14-02-1945 private The Black Watch 
A.E. Brookes 03-12-1944 trooper 22nd Dragoons Royal Armoured Corps
C.E. Broughton 16-11-1944 l.cpl Royal Engineers 
B.J. Brown 06-01-1945 corporal The South Lancashire Regiment 
R.ROBIN S. Brown 25-09-1944 sergeant The Gordon Highlanders 
R.W. Brown 29-09-1944 serjeant Royal Signals
L.J. Browne 29-11-1944 craftsman R.E.M.E. 
W. Buckley 11-12-1944 gunner Royal Artillery 
A.F. Bull 23-10-1944 guardsman Coldstream Guards 
C.W.T. Bullen 20-11-1944 rifleman The Cameronians
D.W. Bulley 22-09-1944 lieutenant Forear Yeomanry Royal Armoured Corps
W. Bullied 26-09-1944 corporal The Cameronians
A. Burgess 21-09-1944 l.cpl The Herefordshire Regiment 
D.J. Burgess 14-02-1945 captain Royal Army Medical Corps 
A. Burns 26-11-1944 private The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
S.J. Burrough 12-01-1945 corporal The South Lancashire Regiment 
J.A. Burrow 12-10-1944 gunner Royal Artillery 
C.E. Burton 14-02-1945 sapper Royal Engineers 
B.D. Butler 19-10-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry
W.C. Bywater 10-11-1944 l.cpl The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 


G.C. Cadle 19-09-1944 private Royal Army Service Corps Airborne 
J.B. Cahill 16-10-1944 corporal The Royal Norfolk Regiment 
J. Campbell 03-10-1944 private The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire 
O. Campbell 23-09-1944 l.cpl The Seaforth Highlanders 
D. Carlan 05-11-1944 guardsman Grenadier Guards
J.F. Carr 09-11-1944 corporal The Black Watch 
R. Carrington 14-11-1944 corporal The Welch Regiment
R. Carter 25-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
R.G. Castree 17-10-1944 private The Herefordshire Regiment 
F. Causer 23-09-1944 private The King's Own Scottish Borderers
F.A.G. Chaplin 17-10-1944 private The Royal Norfolk Regiment
G. Charlton 31-10-1944 rifleman The Cameronians
A. Chell 01-11-1944 serjeant The Gordon Highlanders 
H. Chemney 15-11-1944 private The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
R.E. Churms 10-11-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 
J. Clark 25-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders
L.N. Clark 01-11-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
M.S. Clark 17-10-1944 trooper 15/19th The King's Royal Hussars
J. Clarke 17-02-1945 gunner Royal Artillery
J. Clarke 14-10-1944 corporal Army Catering Corps 
P.R. Clarke 24-09-1944 trooper 15th/19th The King's Royal Hussars 
J. Clifton 02-11-1944 private The Glasgow Highlanders 
C. Coleburn 24-09-1944 rifleman The Cameronians 
J. Collins 04-11-1944 private The King's Own Scottish Bordererd 
J.S. Compton 28-10-1944 captain Royal Artillery 
F.W. Connell 27-07-1945 major Royal Army Service Corps 
C.D. Cook 21-10-1944 serjeant Royal Artillery
T.W. Cooke 31-10-1944 corporal The East Yorkshire Regiment
C. Coombes 21-02-1945 flying officer air gunner Royal Air Force
H. Cooper 26-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
J. Cooper 01-01-1945 l.cpl Royal Engineers 
G. Cornell 18-10-1944 private The East Yorkshire Regiment
H. Cottam 07-11-1944 trooper 15th/19th The King's Royal Hussars
J. Courtney 19-09-1944 private Royal Army Service Corps Airborne 
J. Cowell 24-09-1944 driver Royal Army Service Corps 
G.W. Cowley.Llb. 19-11-1944 major Royal Artillery 
W.B. Crangle 03-12-1944 private The Glasgow Highlanders 
T.O.K. Cross 15-11-1944 lieutenant The Rifle Brigade attd. Middlesex Reg. 
J. Cullen 22-09-1944 private The Glasgow Highlanders H.L.I. 
J.L. Cumberledge 05-11-1944 fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers
W.J. Cutts 30-09-1944 l.bdr Royal Artillery 


J.I. Dalgliesh 26-09-1944 lieutenant The Gordon Highlanders 
P.J. Daly 22-11-1944 serjeant The Cameronians 
A. Davidson 01-01-1945 private The King's Own Scottish Borderers
A. Davidson 05-11-1944 corporal The Royal Scots Fusiliers
A. Davies 06-11-1944 private The Seaforth Highlanders 
G.C. Davies 11-11-1944 sapper Royal Engineers 
G.D. Davies 21-11-1944 gunner Royal Artillery
J. Davies 30-10-1944 corporal The Glasgow Highlanders H.L.I. 
J.H. Davies 27-09-1944 sapper Royal Engineers
P. Davies 22-09-1944 3RD BN. Monmouthshire Regiment 
W.O. Davies 22-09-1944 l.cpl The Glasgow Highlanders H.L.I. 
L.E. Davis 19-09-1944 trooper 15th/19th The King's Royal Hussars 
H. Devalle 22-09-1944 corporal The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 
T.W. Devoy 30-10-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders
A.O. Disdel 11-01-1945 driver Royal Army Service Corps
A. Dixon 02-11-1944 driver Royal Engineers 
N. Docherty 17-11-1944 corporal The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders 
A.V. Dodd 12-10-1944 gunner Royal Artillery 
F.R. Dodd 23-09-1944 l.cpl The Glasgow Highlanders 
R. Dodd 20-10-1944 trooper 15th Regiment Recce. Corps RAC
T. Dodds 23-10-1944 serjeant 3rd Reconnaissance Regiment 
H. Dodge 21-09-1944 l.sjt The Inns of Court Reg. RAC 
F.H. Downes 03-11-1944 trooper 2nd London YEO Westminster Dragoons
G.T. Duffell 24-09-1944 private The Glasgow Highlanders H.L.I. 
J.R. Duffy 05-02-1945 l.cpl Royal Engineers 
O. Duncan 13-10-1944 lieutenant Royal Engineers
J. Dykes 17-10-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry


G.H.D. Earl 14-10-1944 l.cpl. The Royal Norfolk Regiment 
G.R. Eary 14-11-1944 corporal Royal Army Service Corps 
F.C.L. Eaton 01-11-1944 corporal 15th Regiment Recce. Corps R.A.C. 
R.N. Edwards 02-02-1945 trooper 3rd Reconnaissance Regiment 
C.E. Elliott 07-11-1944 driver Royal Army Service Corps 
E. Elton 23-11-1944 l.bdr Royal Artillery 
A.S. Ely 30-10-1944 gunner Royal Artillery 
W.J. Emeney 09-11-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 
G. Emmerson 16-10-1944 corporal The Royal Norfolk Regiment
R. Emmott 24-09-1944 Pioneer Corps 
E. Evans 15-10-1944 driver Royal Army Service Corps 
G.A. Evans 06-01-1945 private The South Lancashire Regiment 
P. Evans 06-01-1945 private The South Lancashire Regiment
A.C. Evans-Evans 21-02-1945 captain pilot Royal Air Force 


J. Fagan 26-12-1944 private The Royal Warwickshire Regiment
P. Fairclough 22-09-1944 fusilier The Royal Welch Fusiliers 
D.M. Fairlie 25-09-1944 lieutenant The Gordon Highlanders 
B. Farmer 18-11-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry
F.E. Farmer 15-10-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry
G. Fenton 14-10-1944 private The Lincolnshire Regiment 
R.I.S. Fenton 25-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders
T.H. Field 12-11-1944 private The Middlesex Regiment 
P.C. Firkins 22-09-1944 lieutenant Yeomanry Royal Armoured Corps 
William Cross Fitch 21-02-1945 lieutenant air bomber Royal Air Force .DFC.GM. 
E. Fitton 10-11-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 
R. Fletcher 23-09-1944 private The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
R. Flint 02-11-1944 private The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
J.Mch. Flynn 20-11-1944 rifleman The Cameronians 
J.Mc.K. Forbes 21-11-1944 trooper 23rd Hussars Royal Armoured Corps
C.H. Foreman 16-11-1944 private The Middlesex Regiment
F. Foster 25-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
W.A. Foster 14-02-1945 lieutenant The Border Regiment
J.D. Fothergill 25-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
C. Fowkes 05-11-1944 fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
E. Fowkes 21-09-1944 private The Herefordshire Regiment 
H.W. Fowler 29-06-1943 officer pilot Royal Canadian Air Force 
A. Fox 03-10-1944 trooper 2nd Derbyshire Yeomanry R.A.C.
G.W. Fox 02-10-1944 trooper 3rd Reconnaissance Regiment 
R. Francis 18-11-1944 trooper The Royal Dragoons R.A.C. 
J.H. French 23-10-1944 coms The Herefordshire Regiment 
S.T.D. Frost 17-12-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 


R.W. Gadney 16-10-1944 driver Royal Army Service Corps
J.A. Gardner 26-09-1944 trooper 8th King's Royal Irish Hussars R.A.C. 
A.H. Garner 22-09-1914 trooper Forear Yeomanry Royal Armoured Corps
N. Garside 25-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
G. Gaunt 03-12-1944 private The Glasgow Highlanders 
J. Geddes 23-09-1944 corporal The Seaforth Highlanders 
T.E.J. George 21-10-1944 trooper 23rd Hussars Royal Armoured Corps 
J. Gerrie 23-09-1944 private The Seaforth Highlanders 
P. Getgood 30-10-1944 l.sjt The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
E. Gilbert 23-11-1944 corporal The Seaforth Highlanders 
A. Gillibrand 26-09-1944 rifleman The Cameronians 
S.C. Gillings 25-09-1944 private Royal Army Medical Corps 
E. Glover 29-09-1944 private The Glasgow Highlanders H.L.I.
W.J. Goldsmith 12-10-1944 gunner 77th The Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry 
J. Gordon 14-10-1944 private The South Lancashire Regiment 
J.R. Gordon 21-02-1945 flight sergeant air gunner Royal Air Force 
J. Gormley 30-10-1944 private The Glasgow Highlanders H.L.I. 
C.D. Gray 23-09-1944 private The Seaforth Highlanders
G. Gray 25-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
J. Gray 20-11-1944 serjeant The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
M.S. Gray 21-09-1944 private The Herefordshire Regiment 
W.L. Green 24-09-1944 private 3rd Bn. The Monmouthshire Regiment 
L.B. Greenall 01-11-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 
W. Greene 10-10-1944 corporal R.E.M.E. 
A. Greenwood 03-11-1944 guardsman Grenadier Guards 
J. Greer 25-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
H. Gregory 22-09-1944 trooper Forear Yeomanry Royal Armoured Corps
G. Grey 14-12-1944 sapper Royal Engineers
E.S. Griffiths 31-10-1944 private The Seaforth Highlanders 
F. Griffiths 01-11-1944 lieutenant The Gordon Highlanders 
C.W. Grimsey 25-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders
W.R. Gwillim 18-11-1944 captain The South Wales Borderers 


R.A. Haines 07-10-1944 serjeant 2nd Derbyshire Yeomanry R.A.C.
W.H. Hall 17-10-1944 private The Royal Warwickshire Regiment
W.J. Hall 20-09-1944 l.sjt 53rd Regiment Recc. Corps RAC 
H. Halstead 07-11-1944 lieutenant The East Lancashire Regiment
A. Hamilton 08-11-1944 private The Seaforth Highlanders 
T.R. Hancox 24-09-1944 l.sjt 3rd Bn. The Monmouthshire Regiment 
J.S.F. Happer 31-10-1944 private The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
F. Harbon 14-11-1944 l.cpl Royal Engineers 
R.W. Hardman 24-09-1944 private The Glasgow Highlanders H.L.I. 
W.R. Harries 24-10-1944 private 3rd Bn. The Monmouthshire Regiment 
A. Harris 05-11-1944 fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
C.K.W. Harris 24-09-1944 trooper 15th/19th The King's Royal Hussars
F. Harris 11-10-1944 private The Seaforth Highlanders 
W.J. Harris 29-09-1944 gunner Royal Artillery 
A.B. Hartley 31-10-1944 private The Seaforth Highlanders 
A.J. Hartley 30-10-1944 corporal 15th Regiment Recce. Corps R.A.C. 
J.H. Harwood 05-11-1944 private The Seaforth Highlanders 
A. Hassall 13-02-1945 gunner Royal Artillery 
A.J. Hassell 01-01-1945 private Army Catering Corps 
F.J. Hawes 14-02-1945 corporal Royal Engineers 
F.J.M. Hazelden 26-11-1944 l.cpl The King's Own Scottish Borderers
E.F. Hellings 02-11-1944 sapper Royal Engineers 
F. Helliwell 19-10-1944 l.cpl 15th/19th The King's Royal Hussars 
J.A. Henden 06-11-1944 l.cpl The South Lancashire Regiment 
T. Henderson 29-10-1944 private The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
C. Henry 01-11-1944 corporal The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 
G.W. Henry 26-11-1944 private The King's Own Scottish Borderers
W. Heron 06-11-1944 fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
R. Hewitt 23-11-1944 l.cpl The King's Shropshire Light Infantry
T. Hickling 08-11-1944 sapper Royal Engineers 
J.J. Higgins 07-11-1944 private The Seaforth Highlanders 
R. Higson 30-10-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
A.E. Hill 17-10-1944 private The Herefordshire Regiment
F.A. Hill 25-02-1945 private The Highland Light Infantry 
L.V. Hilsdon 06-01-1945 private The South Lancashire Regiment 
R.G. Hilton 29-10-1944 l.cpl The King's Own Scottish Borerers 
W. Hinchliffe 25-09-1944 l.cpl The Gordon Highlanders 
J.A. Hines 25-09-1944 corporal The Gordon Highlanders 
C.W. Hirons 27-09-1944 corporal The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire 
R.L. Hodgson 30-09-1944 private The Royal Warwickshire Regiment
R.G. Hogg 25-09-1944 captain The Gordon Highlanders 
H. Holder 18-11-1944 The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders 
W.H. Holland 21-09-1944 l.cpl The Herefordshire Regiment
F.G.W. Holliday 31-10-1944 l.sjt The Cameronians 
H. Holmes 02-10-1944 private The Queen's Royal Regiment 
T. Hopkinson 17-10-1944 sapper Royal Engineers 
E. Hornby 04-11-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
W.P. Horne 24-09-1944 private The Royal Warwickshire Regiment 
E.F. Hounslow 14-10-1944 private The South Lancashire Regiment 
R.K. Howarth 26-09-1944 l.cpl The Royal Scots 
A.H. Huddison 31-10-1944 private The Glasgow Highlanders H.L.I. 
E.L. Hughes 08-06-1945 private Royal Army Service Corps 
H.F.W.G. Humphries 06-01-1945 serjeant The South Lancashire Regiment
A.J. Hunt 23-08-1945 Royal Army ordnance corps 
R. Hunt 05-02-1945 sapper Royal Engineers 
T.L. Hurst 06-10-1944 craftsman R.E.M.E.
A.R. Hutchings 14-11-1944 gunner Royal Artillery 
W. Hynds 25-11-1944 bombardier Royal Artillery


S.K. Illingworth 27-09-1944 private The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
J. Ion 22-09-1944 3RD BN.The Monmouthshire regiment 
P.J. Ireland 24-09-1944 lieutenant 15th/19th The King's Royal Hussars 
J.H.C. Isted 22-09-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 


C. Jackson 22-09-1944 private The King's Own Scottish Borderers
C. Jackson 22-09-1944 serjeant The Glasgow Highlanders H.L.I. 
J.H. Jackson 20-11-1944 lieutenant The Worcestershire Regt. 
L. Jackson 19-10-1944 serjeant 15th/19th The King's Royal Hussars 
W. Jagger 16-12-1944 graftsman R.E.M.E. 
G.C. James 07-02-1945 l.cpl Royal Army Service Corps
I.R. James 29-10-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 
D.B. Jayne 15-02-1945 gunner Royal Artillery
J.G. Jeffreys 08-11-1944 l.cpl The Welsh Guards 
V.M.M. Jensen 27-10-1944 driver Royal Engineers 
G.R. Jepson 24-09-1944 l.cpl The Glasgow Highlanders
W.R. John 21-09-1944 private The Herefordshire Regiment 
A.J. Johns 31-10-1944 fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers
A.C. Johnson 18-10-1944 rifleman London Irish Rifles
A. Jones 20-11-1944 rifleman The Cameronians 
D.A. Jones 23-09-1944 private 3rd Bn. The Monmouthshire Regiment 
E. Jones 02-11-1944 private The King's Own Scottish Borderers
G. Jones 25-03-1945 l.sjt Royal Engineers 
T. Jones 24-09-1944 private The Royal Warwickshire Regiment 
M.P. Joyce 30-09-1944 private The Highland Light Infantry 


H. Keenan 22-09-1944 private The Glasgow Highlanders H.L.I.
J. Kennedy 02-11-1944 bombardier Royal Artillery 
T. Kennedy 26-09-1944 private The Highland Light Inf. 
S. Kettle 22-09-1944 corporal 3rd Bn. The Monmouthshire Regiment
A.E. Kidd 22-10-1944 trooper 3rd Reconnaissance Regiment 
J. Kilgrass 30-10-1944 corporal The Glasgow Highlanders H.L.I. 
J.G.T. Killen 03-02-1945 pilot officer Royal Australian Air Force 
A.N. Kimble 23-09-1944 corporal The King's Own Scottish Borderers
J.C. King 05-11-1944 fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
R. King 16-10-1944 l.cpl The East Yorkshire Regiment 
G. Kinnear 22-09-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 
D. Knight 23-10-1944 private The Herefordshire Regiment
W.G. Kramer 01-10-1944 rifleman The King's Royal Rifle Corps 


B.F. Lake 06-01-1945 private The South Lancashire Regiment 
J. Lambe 11-01-1945 sapper Royal Engineers 
N. Lancaster 22-09-1944 private The King's Own Scottish Borderers
I.B. Lang 19-11-1944 captain 91st Anti-Tank Regt. R.A.
C.G.E. Langley 21-11-1944 driver Royal Army Service Corps
R.J. Leak 28-10-1944 gunner Royal Artillery 
W. Leckie 02-11-1944 private The King's Own Scottish Borderers
G.J. Lee 02-11-1944 private The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 
H. Lemaitre 22-09-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 
J.C. Lewis 01-12-1944 rifleman The Royal Ulster Rifles
R. Leyland 16-10-1944 private The Suffolk Regiment 
E.R. Light 31-10-1944 fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
A. Lightfoot 03-11-1944 private Pioneer Corps
A. Lightfoot 06-01-1945 private The South Lancashire Regiment 
S. Lightfoot 12-10-1944 corporal The Herefordshire Regiment
M.W. . Lila V. Baker 21-02-1945 wing commander pilot Royal Air Force 
H. Lister 03-12-1944 trooper 22nd Dragoons Royal Armoured Corps 
J. Little 24-09-1944 rifleman The Cameronians 
F. Littler 21-09-1944 private The Herefordshire Regiment 
G.W. Lloyd 22-09-1944 private The Glasgow Highlanders H.L.I. 
R.H. Lloyd 16-10-1944 trooper 23rd Hussars Royal Armoured Corps 
F. Loft 13-11-1944 trooper The Inns of Court Reg. R.A.C. 
V.J. Longthorne 15-10-1944 l.cpl. The Royal Norfolk Regiment 
T.P. Lord 17-10-1944 corporal The Herefordshire Regiment 
W. Lovatt 26-09-1944 lieutenant The East Lancashire Regiment 
C.S.R. Lowdon 18-11-1944 captain Royal Army Medical Corps 
C. Lucas 12-10-1944 private The Suffolk Regiment 
H. Lucas 21-09-1944 corporal The Herefordshire Regiment 
T. Lund 22-09-1944 private The Glasgow Highlanders 


C.E.S. Macdonald 18-11-1944 The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders 
R.A. Maceachen 30-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders
I.A. Maclaren 03-11-1944 corporal The Seaforth Highlanders
A. Maclean 04-12-1944 craftsman R.E.M.E.
A. Macleod 14-11-1944 corporal The Queens Own Cameron Highlanders 
A. Macrae 07-01-1945 l.cpl Pioneer Corps
D.M. Majury 18-10-1944 guardsman Coldstream Guards 
F. Malster 25-11-1944 sapper Royal Engineers 
H.A.N. Mander 16-10-1944 captain The Lincolnshire Regiment 
D.G. Manders 21-11-1944 trooper 23rd Hussars Royal Armoured Corps 
P. Mangham 22-09-1944 captain Royal Artillery 
N. Mann 19-10-1944 trooper 15th/19th The King's Royal Hussars 
R.P. Manson 06-12-1944 private Royal Army Service Corps
A.T. Markey 18-11-1944 The Middlesex Regiment
S. Marsh 21-02-1945 officer flight engineer Royal Air Force 
E. Marshall 30-10-1944 private The Glasgow Highlanders H.L.I. 
J.A. Martin 25-09-1944 52nd Regiment Recce. Corps 
R.A. Martin 06-01-1945 corporal The South Lancashire Regiment 
J.F. Maskell 27-09-1944 driver Royal Army Service Corps
W.L. Massey 22-09-1944 corporal The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 
A.G. Masters 19-12-1944 lieutenant Royal Artillery
B. Matthews 10-11-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 
A.C. Mauger 13-10-1944 trooper Royal Tank Regiment R.A.C. 
P. Mayes 11-11-1944 trooper Royal Armoured Corps 
J.T. Mcaree 12-10-1944 gunner Royal Artillery
G.A. Mcavan 15-10-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 
T. McCarthy 14-02-1945 private The Black Watch
T.J. McCarthy 27-09-1944 serjeant Royal Army Medical Corps
J. McColgan 26-09-1944 l.cpl The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 
W. McCrindle 14-10-1944 private The South Lancashire Regiment 
E. Mcdonald 24-10-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders
N. Mcdonald 22-09-1944 private The Seaforth Highlanders 
R. Mcdonald 07-11-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
J. Mcdowell 19-11-1944 gunner Royal Artillery 
J. Mcfarlane 23-09-1944 l.cpl The Seaforth Highlanders
M. Mcgrath 30-10-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
R.K. Mckaskill 03-02-1945 flight sergeant Royal Australian Air Force 
R. Mckenzie 11-10-1944 private The Black Watch 
T. Mclean 25-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
J. Mcleish 24-10-1944 The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
D. Mcmahon 22-09-1944 serjeant Yeomanry Royal Armoured Corps 
R. Mcmillan 22-09-1944 private The Seaforth Highlanders
S. Mcvay 10-11-1944 sapper Royal Engineers 
R.MC C. Mcvea 01-11-1944 private The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
F.M. Meacham 26-11-1944 private The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
F.J. Meek 17-11-1944 The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders 
A. Mellor 05-11-1944 corporal The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
F. Mellor 22-09-1944 private The Herefordshire Regiment
J.M. Mellowship 21-10-1944 gunner Royal Artillery 
E.F.A. Merchant 18-11-1944 captain Royal Canadian Infantry Corps
R.M. Merchant 10-10-1944 private The Herefordshire Regiment 
J.B. Millar 22-09-1944 2nd lieutenant Royal Tank regiment 
R. Miller 09-11-1944 private Royal Army Medical Corps 
R.B. Miller 03-11-1944 trooper 2nd London YEO Westminster Dragoons 
W. Miller 16-10-1944 private The Royal Norfolk Regiment
G. Mills 09-09-1945 gunner Royal Artillery
B. Millward 13-10-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 
R. Milne 14-02-1945 l.cpl The Black Watch
J.Mc.L. More 31-10-1944 l.cpl The Seaforth Highlanders
J. Morgan 31-10-1944 private The Seaforth Highlanders
W. Morgan 14-11-1944 The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
J. Morley 06-10-1944 private The Royal Norfolk Regiment 
R. Morris 23-09-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 
A.C. Morton 23-08-1945 Royal Army ordnance corps 
H.J. Moses 21-09-1944 private The Herefordshire Regiment 
W.C. Moss 19-09-1944 flight sergeant wireless operator/air gunner RAF
H.P.W. Mullinger 01-12-1944 lieutenant Royal Artillery
K.R. Munday 11-10-1944 private The Black Watch 
J. Murphy 20-11-1944 rifleman The Cameronians 
D.S. Murray 27-09-1944 lieutenant 52nd Regiment Recc.Corps
J.E. Murray 24-10-1944 private 3rd Bn. The Monmouthshire Regiment 
H.F. Musgrove 26-09-1944 private The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders


J. Napier 25-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
L. Nash 07-07-1945 s.sjt Military Provost Staff Corps
S. Naylor 12-10-1944 private The East Yorkshire Regiment 
W.S. Neill 31-10-1944 guardsman Coldstream Guards 
R.E. Nelson 25-09-1944 serjeant The Gordon Highlanders
S. Newland 11-11-1944 sapper Royal Engineers 
A.W. Nicholls 17-10-1944 serjeant The Royal Warwickshire Regiment 
B. Nicholls 20-09-1944 trooper 44th Royal Tank Regiment 
T.G. Nicks 21-09-1944 corporal The Herefordshire Regiment 
A. Nightingale 10-11-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 
F.J. Nokes 01-10-1945 s.sjt Royal Army Medical Corps 
R. Nolan 18-10-1944 private The East Yorkshire Regiment 
W. Norrie 25-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
F.L. Nunn 06-07-1945 driver R.E.M.E.


T.J. O'Brien 12-10-1944 gunner 77th regt. The Duke of Lancaster's Yeomanry 
P.J. O'Donnell 25-11-1944 corporal Royal Signals 
J. O'Malley 14-10-1944 private The South Lancashire Regiment 
F. O'Reilly 16-11-1944 private The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders 
W. Ogilvie 25-09-1944 wo.II csm The Gordon Highlanders 
R. Oliver 05-11-1944 fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers
R. Ordell 03-02-1945 flight lieutenant Royal Australian Air Force 
I.R. Osborne 03-02-1945 pilot officer Royal Australian Air Force 
T.H. Osborne 24-09-1944 rifleman The Cameronians
K. Oswin 17-10-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry


H.B. Palmer 05-11-1944 fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers
J. Park 25-09-1944 l.sjt 52nd Regiment Recce. Corps 
J.H. Parker 30-10-1944 gunner Royal Artillery
P. Parker 23-10-1944 l.cpl The East Yorkshire Regiment 
R.S. Parker 25-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
T.J.W. Parkinson 24-09-1944 private The Glasgow Highlanders 
H.J. Parr 02-11-1944 serjeant Royal Engineers 
W. Parry 24-09-1944 serjeant The Royal Norfolk Regiment
A. Paterson 31-10-1944 l.cpl The Seaforth Highlanders 
A.W.K. Pears 31-10-1944 l.sjt The Coldstream Guards 
P.S. Pearson 21-11-1944 corporal The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
E. Pedley 21-09-1944 sapper Royal Engineers 
J.W. Pegg 20-11-1944 l.cpl The Royal Norfolk Regiment 
E. Pemberton 25-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders
M. Percival 29-11-1944 rifleman The Cameronians
C.H. Pescott 16-10-1944 private The Suffolk Regiment
R.W. Petch 05-11-1944 sapper Royal Engineers 
A. Peters 26-11-1944 gunner 79th Medium Regt. R.A. Scottish Horse 
G. Phillips 22-10-1944 corporal The Highlanders Light Infantry 
H.H. Pickard 28-01-1945 corporal Royal Engineers
J.A. Pickavance 30-10-1944 fuselier The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
H. Pierpoint 23-09-1944 private 3rd bn The Monmouthshire Regiment 
L.A. Pocock 10-08-1945 Royal Artillery 
W.E. Pointon 08-12-1944 gunner Royal Artillery
J. Polkinghorn 26-12-1944 driver Royal Army Service Corps 
F.A. Pollard 17-10-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 
A.E. Pope 24-10-1944 private The South Lancashire Regiment
H. Potter 31-10-1944 private The Seaforth Highlanders 
W. Powell 23-08-1945 serjeant Royal Army Ordnance Corps
O.D. Pratt 29-11-1944 corporal 22nd Dragoons Royal Armoured Corps
S. Prescott 06-11-1944 private The Seaforth Highlanders 
H.W. Price 24-09-1944 corporal The Herefordshire Regiment
W.T. Priestley 26-09-1944 corporal The Seaforth Highlanders 
S. Purcell 22-09-1944 corporal The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 
W.E. Pye 25-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
A.E.M. Pyrah 22-09-1944 lieutenant The Black Watch


J. Queen 18-04-1945 sapper Royal Engineers
P.J. Quinn 11-10-1944 private The Black Watch 


B.H.L. Ranger 10-11-1944 private Royal Army Medical Corps 
J. Raper 21-11-1944 l.cpl 23rd Hussars Royal Armoured Corps 
E.C. Rapkins 14-10-1944 lieutenant The Royal Ulster Rifles 
F.E. Raybould 30-10-1944 private The Glasgow Highlanders H.L.I.
W. Redman 31-10-1944 rifleman The Cameronians 
W.J. Reeves 02-03-1945 private Pioneer Corps 
C. Reid 20-11-1944 rifleman The Cameronians
J. Reilly 11-10-1944 private The Black Watch 
P.L. Reyes 23-09-1944 rifleman The Cameronians 
K.K. Reynolds 03-02-1945 flight Sergeant Royal Australian Air Force 
P.E.A. Richards 26-10-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry
T.J. Richards 19-09-1944 trooper 15th/19th The King's Royal Hussars 
D.F. Richardson 05-11-1944 private The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
V.J. Riches 03-02-1945 ldg aircraftman Royal Air Force
F.W. Ridpath 02-11-1944 bombardier Royal Artillery 
J. Rigby 31-10-1944 bombardier Royal Artillery 
J.A. Riley 09-10-1944 gunner 91st Regt5thTheArgyllandSutherland Highl.
F. Ritchie 26-09-1944 private The Seaforth Highlanders 
C.E. Roberts 14-10-1944 private The Royal Warwickshire Regiment 
D.S.B. Roberts 24-09-1944 lieutenant The Royal Warwickshire Regiment 
H.C. Robertson 26-09-1944 major The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 
F.G. Robinson 25-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
G. Robinson 31-10-1944 corporal The Highland Light Infantry
H. Robinson 26-09-1944 private The Seaforth Highlanders
J.G. Robinson 05-11-1944 trooper 3rd Regiment Recce. Corps. RAC 
P.A. Robinson 10-11-1944 captain Royal Army Medical Corps 
A.W.C. Roe 30-10-1944 private The Glasgow Highlanders H.L.I. 
E.D. Rookes 20-11-1944 rifleman The Cameronians 
G.Mc C. Rose 1909 08-10-1944 35 gunner Royal Artillery
W.J. Rowland 14-11-1944 private The Royal Norfolk Regiment


J.H. Salisbury 17-11-1944 The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders 
D. Salt 13-11-1944 trooper The Inns of Court Reg. R.A.C. 
W. Salter 14-11-1944 corporal The Welch Regiment 
L. Sandford 13-11-1944 signalman Royal Signals 
M.R. Sankey 21-12-1944 sapper Royal Engineers 
R.C. Saunders 17-10-1944 private The Herefordshire Regiment
A. Savage 15-10-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry MM. 
F. Savage 17-10-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry
N.F.B. Sayer 23-11-1944 private The Suffolk Regiment 
S.W. Scott 15-10-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry 
C. Scurr 03-02-1945 sergeant Flight Engineer Royal Air Force 
G.L. Seaward 18-11-1944 driver Royal Signals
C.R. Secker 20-11-1944 rifleman The Cameronians 
R. Selby 17-10-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry
D. Semple 02-11-1944 private The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
H.L. Sharp 25-02-1945 lieutenant The Loyal Regiment 
J.H. Sharp 11-11-1944 sapper Royal Engineers 
G.J. Shaw 26-09-1944 captain The Royal Fusiliers BA. 
H.Macl. Sheane 27-11-1944 lieutenant The Royal Ulster Rifles 
A. Shearwood 27-09-1944 private The Royal Scots 
T.K. Sheehan 20-11-1944 rifleman The Cameronians 
R.V. Shonk 20-11-1944 corporal The Cameronians 
D.J. Simmins 20-10-1944 trooper 15/19th The King's Royal Hussars
T.A. Simpson 19-11-1944 rifleman The Cameronians
H. Sissons 22-09-1944 trooper 5th RoYal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards 
H. Skirrow 17-12-1944 private Royal Army Medical Corps
E.J. Skudder 30-10-1944 private The Highland Light Infantry 
G.A.W. Small 25-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
R.C. Smalley 06-01-1945 private The South Lancashire Regiment 
A.G. Smith 27-10-1944 trooper 2nd Fife & Forfor Yeomanry RAC
F. Smith 17-10-1944 private The Royal Warwickshire Regiment 
F. Smith 12-10-1944 The East Yorkshire Regiment 
F.C. Smith 29-09-1944 lieutenant The Lincolnshire Regiment BA 
F.W. Smith 22-09-1944 l.cpl The Herefordshire Regiment 
G.A. Smith 02-11-1944 lieutenant Royal Artillery 
H.F. Smith 24-09-1944 private The Glasgow Highlanders H.L.I. 
J. Smith 20-11-1944 rifleman The Cameronians 
J.P. Smith 07-01-1945 corporal Royal Engineers 
V. Smith 07-08-1945 Royal Army Service Corps
F.W. Southwick 14-10-1944 corporal R.E.M.E. 
W.G. Sparkes 13-10-1944 private The Herefordshire Regiment 
E.W. Sparrow 14-10-1944 private The Royal Warwickshire Regiment 
T.W. Speed 05-11-1944 guardsman Grenadier Guards 
C. Spray 22-09-1944 trooper Foear Yeomanry Royal Armoured Corps
S.G. Stagles 15-10-1944 signalman Royal Signals 
W.H. Statham 17-10-1944 trooper 15/19th The King's Royal Hussars 
A. Stearn 18-11-1944 private The Suffolk Regiment 
E.W. Stennett 21-09-1944 private The Herefordshire Regiment 
F.B. Stewart 28-09-1944 lieutenant Royal Canadian Infantry Corps 
J. Stonehouse 05-11-1944 l.cpl The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
G.M. Stonner 14-08-1924 22-10-1944 20 soldaat Kon.Ned. Brig. Prinses Irene 
R. Stothard 20-09-1944 corporal 44th Royal Tank regiment RAC 
J.Mcg. Strachan 14-11-1944 The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 
F.J. Stuart 04-03-1945 private The Royal Warwickshire Regiment 
A.J. Stupple 20-10-1944 private The East Yorkshire Regiment 
W. Summers 21-09-1944 private The Herefordshire Regiment 
J. Sutherland 19-09-1944 trooper 15th/19th The King's Royal Hussars
C.T. Suttle 14-11-1944 The Queens Own Cameron Highlanders 
R. Swallow 29-10-1944 private Army Catering Corps 
N. Swanwick 29-11-1944 l.cpl Royal Signals 
L.H. Sykes 14-11-1944 The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 


E. Tague 22-09-1944 wo.II (csm) The Seaforth Highlanders 
S.H. Tait 26-11-1944 private The King's Own Scottish Borderers
R.J. Takle 21-02-1945 flight sergeant operator/gunner Royal Air Force 
T. Tasker 31-10-1944 private The Seaforth Highlanders
E.W. Taylor 01-11-1944 trooper 15th Regiment Recce. Corps RAC 
F.A. Taylor 02-11-1944 l.sjt Royal Engineers 
F.E. Taylor 17-10-1944 private 3rd bn The Monmouthshire Regiment 
H.J.L. Taylor 23-09-1944 chaplain Royal Army Chaplains Dept.
J. Taylor 25-09-1944 private The Royal Norfolk Regiment 
J.J. Taylor 17-10-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry
C.C.W. Tella 26-11-1944 private The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
D.F.J. Terry 31-10-1944 rifleman The Cameronians 
A.E. Thickpenny 26-09-1944 trooper 5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards
D.T.W. Thomas 14-11-1944 l.cpl The Welch Regiment 
E.L.J. Thomas 18-11-1944 serjeant 3rd Bn. The Monmouthshire Regiment 
R.J. Thompson 10-11-1944 fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
A.R. Thorpe 28-10-1944 corporal Royal Army Service Corps 
D.W. Timms 21-09-1944 trooper 53rd Regiment Recce.Corps RAC 
W.G.S. Todd 21-09-1944 private The Herefordshire Regiment 
Lewis Tombs 10-06-1982 C.W.G. commission BEM. 
F. Tomkins 21-09-1944 serjeant The Herefordshire Regiment 
P.J. Tucker 03-11-1944 private The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
A. Turner 30-10-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
F.M. Turner 17-10-1944 lieutenant 23rd Hussars Royal Armoured Corps 
J. Turner 23-09-1944 private The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
T. Tweddell 30-11-1944 gunners Royal Artillery 
J.H.E. Tyler 12-02-1945 BA lieutenant Royal Engineers 
I. Tyson 05-11-1944 fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers 


W.G. Underwood 16-11-1944 private The Highland Light Infantry 
R.G.H. Unwin 08-10-1944 lieutenant 23rd Hussars Royal Armoured Corps


E.C. Vile 26-09-1944 private The Seaforth Highlanders 


D. Waites 04-11-1944 private The Highland Light Infantry 
D.B. Wale 17-10-1944 l.sjt The Royal Warwickshire Regiment 
H. Walkden 24-09-1944 l.cpl The Cameronians
B. Walker 24-09-1944 rifleman The Cameronians 
W. Walker 01-11-1944 private The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 
N. Walsh 26-11-1944 driver Royal Engineers 
A.E. Walton 07-08-1945 Pioneer Corps 
R.C. Ward 17-10-1944 private The Royal Warwickshire Regiment 
W. Wardell 28-07-1945 l.sjt Royal Signals 
J.W. Warner 31-10-1944 rifleman The Cameronians 
W.J. Warner 26-09-1944 corporal The Seaforth Highlanders 
G.T. Watkins 13-11-1944 private The King's Shropshire Light Infantry
E. Watson 05-11-1944 corporal The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
J. Watson 21-10-1944 private The South Lancashire Regiment 
J.D. Watson 05-11-1944 fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
A. Webster 25-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
C. Wells 24-01-1945 private The East Yorkshire Regiment
G.R. West 08-10-1944 gunner Royal Artillery 
D. Westacott 05-11-1944 corporal The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
J. Westwood 25-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
H. Wharton 23-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
J. Wheeler 14-11-1944 corporal The Queens Own Cameron Highlanders
D.E. White 15-11-1944 corporal Royal Engineers 
J.Mac A. White 26-09-1944 private The Seaforth Highlanders 
K.G.E. White 03-11-1944 serjeant Grenadier Guards 
W. White 21-11-1944 corporal 23rd Hussars Royal Armoured Corps 
F.B. Whitehead 22-09-1944 fusilier The Royal Welch Fusiliers 
F.C. Whiteworth 02-01-1945 l.cpl The South Lancashire Regiment
J. Whitwam 19-10-1944 l.cpl. 15/19th The King's Royal Hussars 
R. Wickstead 14-11-1944 The Queens Own Cameron Highlanders 
J. Wiggett 26-11-1944 gunner 91st Anti Tank Regt.R.A. 
E.V. Wilkinson 15-02-1945 l.bdr Royal Artillery 
B.E. Williams 04-12-1944 signalman Royal Signals 
F. Williams 25-09-1944 l.cpl The Gordon Highlanders 
H.H. Williams 26-09-1944 private The Royal Scots
S.C. Willows 07-11-1944 trooper The Inns of Court Regiment RAC
A. Wilson 20-11-1944 private The King's Own Scottish Borderers
E.W. Wilson 24-09-1944 private The Glasgow Highlanders 
W. Wilson 25-09-1944 corporal The Gordon Highlanders 
W.B. Wilson 23-09-1944 private The Seaforth Highlanders 
W.W. Wilson 14-10-1944 l.cpl The Lincolnshire Regiment 
T. Winter 29-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
J.C. Wisedale 21-09-1944 private The Herefordshire Regiment 
W.G. Wishart 21-02-1945 squadron leader navigator Royal Air Force
G.L. Wood 19-09-1944 sergeant flight engineer RAF 
T. Wood 27-11-1944 bombardier Royal Artillery 
J. Woods 22-09-1944 private The Seaforth Highlanders
J.G.J. Wordley 11-11-1944 corporal The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 
T. Workman 07-01-1945 private Pioneer Corps 
F.A. Worton 02-11-1944 corporal The Royal Scots 
J.E. Wright 11-10-1944 private The Black Watch 
I.A. Wycherley 22-09-1944 private The Herefordshire Regiment 


D. Yagernose 22-09-1944 private The Glasgow Highlanders 
D.V. Yorke 28-11-1944 craftsman R.E.M.E. 
J. Young 25-09-1944 private The Gordon Highlanders 
T.B. Young 15-11-1944 l.cpl Royal Signals