Namenlijst Brits begraafplaats Nijmegen

Het Jonkerbos War Cemetery militaire begraafplaats in Nijmegen herbergt in totaal 1.643 graven van geallieerde militairen die zijn gesneuveld op Nederlands grondgebied tussen 3 september 1939 en 5 mei 1945.

In mei 1940 werd Nederland bezet door het leger van nazi-Duitsland. In juni 1944 begonnen de westerse geallieerden na de invasie in Normandië met de bevrijding van West-Europa. Nijmegen werd in september 1944 bevrijd door Amerikaanse parachutisten en het XXX Britse Corps in het kader van Operatie Market Garden. Doordat de Slag om Arnhem voor de geallieerden verloren ging werd Nijmegen een frontstad. De Duitsers zouden de stad nog maanden bestoken voordat de geallieerden de Duitsers definitief terugdrongen in februari 1945.

Al in december 1944 werd er begonnen met het begraven van geallieerde doden op het toenmalige nabijgelegen Pensionaat Jonkerbosch. De ongeveer 400 reeds begraven gesneuvelden werden in 1947 opgegraven en herbegraven op de huidige begraafplaats.

Van het totaal aantal begraven doden dienden er 1.629 militairen in legers van een van de lidstaten van het Britse Gemenebest, waarvan er 99 ongeïdentificeerd zijn. Dertien dienden in het leger van een staat die geen onderdeel uitmaakte van het Gemenebest.


Ingedeeld naar het leger van dienst is het ereveld de laatste rustplaats van 1.389 Britse, 88 Canadese, 34 Australische, 21 Nieuw-Zeelandse, 7 Poolse, 5 Belgische, 2 Nederlandse en 1 Russische militairen. Dit is niet hetzelfde als de nationaliteit van de soldaten: zo vochten er bijvoorbeeld 5 Tsjecho-Slovaken aan de zijde van de Britse luchtmacht.De nationaliteit van de gesneuvelden staat vermeld op hun grafzerk. Van sommige doden is het leger waarin zij dienden wel bekend, maar de persoonlijke identiteit en/of nationaliteit niet.

Namenlijst van Britse Militairen die gesneuveld zijn in Nederland tijdens WOII



Voornaam - achternaam - geboortedatum - datum overlijden - leeftijd - rang en/of legeronderdeel



Fred Abbot 1914 30-09-1944 30 Trooper / Royal Armoured Corps 
Norman William Abbott 04-05-1925 22-06-1944 19 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Robert William Paterson Abel 1924 23-09-1944 20 Guardsman / Welsh Guards 
Leonard Sharples Acton 02-03-1908 23-11-1944 36 Private / Cheshire Regiment 
Andrew Adams 1916 11-02-1945 28 Fusilier / Royal Scots Fusiliers
Peter Edward Frederick Adams 1916 23-06-1940 23 Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Air Force 
Joseph Francis Adcock 04-10-1912 21-09-1945 32 Lance Serjeant / Royal Army Service Corps 
Frederick Bertram Adshead 1921 25-09-1944 23 Lance Bombardier / Royal Artillery
Frank Charles Agambar 1925 03-10-1944 19 Private / Hampshire Regiment 
Henry Agar 1909 09-03-1945 35 Rifleman / Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)
Edwin Ainscow 02-12-1925 08-02-1945 19 Private/ Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg) 
John Ainsworth 1913 05-05-1945 31 Lance Corporal / Royal Electrical & Mechanical Eng. 
Frederick James Aitken 1908 08-02-1945 36 Private / Army Catering Corps
Clifford Walter Akeister 01-12-1917 15-06-1943 25 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Arnold Akien 21-01-1925 15-10-1944 19 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
John Aldcroft 1919 02-10-1944 25 Lance Corporal / Royal Electrical & Mechanical Eng. 
Leopold Gordon Alexander 02-02-1943 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Dennis Alford 1922 02-09-1942 20 Sergeant Observer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Andrew Allan 12-03-1943 Flight Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / Royal Air Force 
William Allan 27-05-1918 26-09-1944 26 Corporal / Royal Engineers
Alexander Allardyce 18-06-1916 04-10-1944 28 Guardsman / Scots Guards
Jack Allatt 1919 11-02-1945 25 Private / East Lancashire Regiment 
Eric Allen 10-10-1944 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Thomas Peter Allenby 13-01-1920 11-09-1942 22 Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Canadian Air Force 
William Arthur Allsopp 13-01-1918 26-07-1942 24 Sergeant / Royal Australian Air Force 
Joseph Kirby Alvey 1919 31-03-1945 25 Guardsman / Grenadier Guards 
Henry Edward George Ames 1916 04-04-1945 28 Serjeant / Royal Army Ordnance Corps 
Cyril Watson Anderson 09-11-1915 30-04-1945 29 Private / Pioneer Corps 
SydneyGeorge Anderson 1915 05-10-1944 29 Corporal / Dorsetshire Regiment 
Kenneth Charles Andrews 1923 06-10-1944 21 Private / Wiltshire Regiment 
Leonard Arthur Charles Angell 14-12-1919 22-06-1943 23 Pilot Officer Navi.-Bomber/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Frederick Ansbridge 07-1919 03-10-1944 Private / Devonshire Regiment 
Brian Robert Anstee 1923 01-08-1942 19 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
George Archer 1919 02-10-1944 25 Private / Devonshire Regiment 
Ivor Armstrong 1911 08-02-1945 33 Private / Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)
Joseph Armstrong 1904 21-07-1944 40 Sergeant Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
William Armstrong 1920 04-10-1944 24 Private / Dorsetshire Regiment 
Ernest George Arnold 21-09-1905 28-09-1944 39 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Patrick Arnott 1923 26-05-1943 19 Sergeant Air Bomber / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Clarence Ascough 1921 03-10-1944 23 Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
Herbert Ashdown 25-04-1913 12-10-1944 31 Lance Corporal / Corps of Military Police 
Ernest Asher 26-01-1919 02-03-1945 26 Trooper / Royal Armoured Corps
Jack Ashton 1919 03-02-1945 25 Sergeant Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
William Aspin 1914 27-02-1945 30 Fusilier / Royal Scots Fusiliers
John Aspinall 1913 05-03-1945 31 Lance Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
John Lambert Asprey 15-12-1914 17-08-1941 26 Pilot Officer / Royal Australian Air Force 
George Howard Atkinson 1915 29-09-1944 29 Lance Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
Reginald Aubrey Bruce Attrill 1921 24-03-1945 23 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Douglas Claude August 21-04-1920 31-05-1942 22 Pilot Officer Observer / RAF Volunteer Reserve
William Wilson Auld 25-02-1912 06-12-1944 32 Fusilier / Royal Scots Fusiliers 
William Henry Austin 1911 23-08-1943 32 Flight  SergeantAir Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Leonard Alfred Averill 1923 24-01-1945 21 Private / Essex Regiment 
George Alfred Avory 18-06-1920 03-07-1941 21 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Mark Azouz 02-07-1922 21-09-1944 22 Warrant Officer Pilot / RAF Volunteer Reserve 


Allen Leland Bachelder 03-05-1919 07-08-1942 23 Warrant Officer Class II W.Op-Air Gnr/R. Can. A.F. 
Basil Albert Bacon 1922 13-05-1943 20 Sergeant / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
John Bailey 1914 05-06-1945 30 Private / Pioneer Corps 
Donald Bainbridge 16-12-1925 05-10-1944 18 Private / The Parachute Regiment
Basil Norman Baker 01-01-1926 15-10-1944 18 Private / Hampshire Regiment 
John Baker 1925 11-02-1945 19 Fusilier / Royal Scots Fusiliers 
Lindsay Siberton Baker 14-05-1923 03-04-1945 21 Lieutenant / Reconnaissance Corps 
Cecil Claude Ballyn 1906 18-03-1945 38 Captain / Royal Artillery 
Sidney Harold Bambridge 1924 03-10-1944 20 Private / Dorsetshire Regiment 
Piotr Ryszard Bankowski 19-06-1941 Plutonowy / Polish Air Force 
Reginald Ernest Banks 1926 09-02-1945 18 Private / York and Lancaster Regiment 
Robert Banks 1922 11-11-1944 22 Private / Hampshire Regiment 
Horace Amos Bannister 20-03-1915 09-02-1945 29 Private / Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry 
Patrick Bannon 09-07-1904 29-04-1945 40 Private / Pioneer Corps
Charles Arthur Barber 1921 15-02-1945 23 Private / Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg) 
Eric Charles Barber 1921 10-10-1944 23 Guardsman / Grenadier Guards 
J. A. R. Barder 1922 14-02-1945 22 Lance Corporal / Royal Engineers 
Walter Barfield 1920 05-01-1945 24 Lance Corporal / Lincolnshire Regimen
Albert Barker 1922 03-10-1944 22 Private / Dorsetshire Regiment 
Albert James Barker 1914 08-02-1945 30 Private / Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 
Arthur Barker 1920 30-10-1944 24 Lance Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
Frederick Frank Barker 1918 31-05-1942 23 Flight Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / Royal Air Force 
Leslie Barker 1916 12-03-1943 26 Flight Sergeant Pilot /Royal A.F.Volunteer Reserve 
Stanley Frank Barker 1921 25-06-1943 21 Sergeant Air Bomber / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Leslie William Arthur Barnard 18-02-1921 07-08-1942 21 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Ronald Charles Barnett 1926 22-01-1945 18 Private / South Wales Borderers 
Leslie Ronald Barr 1914 11-09-1942 28 Flight Lieutenant Pilot / Royal Air Force 
Norman Henry Barrett 1924 01-03-1945 20 Private / Northamptonshire Regiment
Lucien Barro 03-04-1904 26-01-1946 41 Adjudant 1 ere Classe / Belgian Army 
Jack Frank Macdonald Barson 1923 21-07-1944 21 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
John Thomas Bartlam 14-07-1920 06-04-1945 24 Guardsman / Grenadier Guards 
Frank Carvossa Basford 1914 05-10-1944 30 Private / Somerset Light Infantry 
Vernon H. Bastin 1918 06-10-1944 26 Private/ Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg) 
Albert Bates 1915 25-05-1944 28 Pilot Officer Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Res. 
Wilfred Blanchard Bates 1909 08-01-1945 35 Private / Lincolnshire Regiment 
William Charles Batkin 1919 14-07-1943 24 Flight Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Air Force 
George Baxter 1922 22-06-1944 21 Pilot Officer Pilot / Royal A. Force Volunteer Res. 
Arthur George Beach 1916 29-09-1944 28 Private / Somerset Light Infantry
Frederick Bean 1908 10-10-1944 36 Lance Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
John Clifford Beardmore 1919 17-08-1941 22 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Brian Arthur Bebarfald 1921 21-09-1944 23 Flying Officer Pilot / Royal New Zealand Air Force 
Douglas Glenn Bebensee 16-10-1921 14-07-1943 21 Sergeant Flight Engineer / Royal Can. Air Force
Francis Mark Beck 1911 11-10-1944 33 Lance Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
Ronald Dennis Bedwood 1925 19-01-1945 19 Private / Leicestershire Regiment 
John Bee 1909 21-11-1944 35 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Raymond James Beeson 1915 13-02-1945 29 Lance Corporal / Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry 
Charles Armstrong Bell 1913 29-03-1943 29 
Frederick Bell 1912 19-02-1945 32 Serjeant / Royal Armoured Corps 
Walter John Bell 1919 21-07-1944 25 Flight Lieutenant Pilot / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Bruce William Bennett 16-07-1915 12-06-1943 27 Flying Officer / Royal Australian Air Force 
James Bennett 1919 07-10-1944 25 Private / Green Howards (Yorkshire Regiment)
Stanley Bennett 1921 05-10-1944 23 Private / Royal Norfolk Regiment 
Charles Edward Benstead 20-09-1914 07-09-1942 27 Sergeant*Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Charles Beresford 05-12-1944 Sapper / Royal Engineers
William Thomas Berry 23-09-1913 21-09-1944 30 Lance Serjeant / Royal Engineers 
John Edward Bessell 1922 01-10-1944 22 Private / Dorsetshire Regiment 
David Betterton 1921 22-06-1944 22 Sergeant Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Fred Beynon 1920 03-10-1944 24 Warrant Officer Class II C.S.M. / Welch Guards 
Francis Bibby 10-06-1914 06-10-1944 30 Private/ Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg) 
Leslie Arthur John Bickle 1926 09-10-1944 18 Private / Somerset Light Infantry
George Biddulph 1909 19-11-1944 35 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Water Sidney "Wally" Bill 07-02-1922 08-10-1944 22 Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
Charles William Billings 1920 02-10-1944 24 Private / Wiltshire Regiment
George Edward Binks 1911 10-10-1944 33 Corporal / Wiltshire Regiment 
Raymond Percy Binks 1917 24-04-1945 27 Lance Corporal / Leicestershire Regiment 
George Arthur Birch 1919 06-03-1945 25 Corporal / Leicestershire Regiment
Edwin Blackwell 1911 08-02-1945 33 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Joseph Thomas Lloyd le Blanc 19-12-1915 25-05-1944 28 Flight Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Can. Air Force
Sedley Stewart Blanchard 18-03-1911 14-02-1943 31 Wing Commander / Royal Canadian Air Force
Cyril George Blandon 1911 08-07-1941 30 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / Royal Air Force
David Lionel Blick 1920 02-11-1944 24 Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
James Henry Bloxwich 1922 30-05-1943 20 Sergeant Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
John James Blundell 1925 21-07-1944 19 Sergeant Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Patrick Bodill 02-06-1925 15-05-1945 19 Driver / Royal Engineers 
Angelo Bolton 1922 30-03-1945 22 Rifleman / King's Royal Rifle Corps
Frank Bolton 1915 26-09-1944 29 Flight Lieutenant Pilot / Royal Air Force 
Henry Bonfield 1921 02-10-1944 23 Private / King's Own Scottish Borderers 
Albert Carey Bonner 1918 26-05-1943 24 Flying Officer Bomb Aimer-Navigator / RAF Vol.Res.
Albert Booth 1918 13-07-1945 27 Private / Pioneer Corps 
Albert William Booth 29-06-1943 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
George Vincent Cyril Booth 01-01-1922 21-07-1942 20 Warrant Officer Class II Air Observer /R. Can A.F.
Armand A.J. Bosse 04-07-1917 18-04-1945 27 Sous Lieutenent / Belgian Army 
Harold Botterill 13-08-1913 26-09-1944 31 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Jack Boulton 24-03-1919 02-10-1944 25 Lance Corporal / Wiltshire Regiment 
John Henry Bousfield 06-05-1915 14-02-1943 27 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Harry Clare Bowden 1912 02-04-1945 32 Serjeant / Lincolnshire Regiment 
Horace Bowen 1910 09-02-1945 34 Lance Cpl./Highl.Light Inf. (City of Glasgow Reg.) 
Leslie Thomas Bowkett 07-05-1916 09-02-1945 28 Private / Worcestershire Regiment 
Thomas Patrick Bowles 1915 09-01-1943 27 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
John Fred Reginald Boyall 10-04-1941 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
William Boyd 1925 01-10-1944 19 Guardsman / Scots Guards 
Alfred Boydell 1922 15-06-1943 20 Sergeant Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
James Boyes 30-08-1908 30-10-1944 36 Sapper / Royal Engineers
Fred Braddock 24-08-1906 16-10-1944 38 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Reginald Eric Bradshaw 29-06-1943 Pilot Officer Air Bomber / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Richard Brady 28-08-1918 08-03-1945 26 Serjeant / Army Catering Corps 
Lawrence William Brailsford 1926 10-02-1945 18 Private / East Lancashire Regiment 
William Henry Brailsford 1920 12-04-1945 24 Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
Frank Braithwaite 07-1910 06-11-1944 Corporal / Royal Army Ordnance Corps 
Dennis Bramwell 1923 31-01-1945 21 Private / King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 
Charles Frederick Branson 1914 21-09-1944 30 Sergeant*Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Frank Brazier 02-10-1912 08-02-1945 32 Guardsman / Scots Guards 
George Harry James Brazneill 1907 18-06-1945 37 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Kenneth Breckon 1922 23-08-1943 21 
James Bernard Brennan 1921 21-07-1944 23 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Martin Brennan 01-01-1945 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Henry Charles Brewer 20-09-1944 Lance Corporal / Grenadier Guards 
Neville James Briant 1918 05-10-1942 24 Flying Officer Pilot / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Alfred John Brideaux 1915 09-04-1944 28 Serjeant / Hampshire Regiment 
Dennis George Brimfield 10-1921 01-08-1942 Sergeant Observer / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Joseph William Briscombe 1911 04-12-1944 33 Lance Corporal / Royal Engineers 
Joseph Graham Briston 07-08-1908 26-01-1945 36 Trooper / Reconnaissance Corps 
Gordon Broadbent 1925 02-04-1945 19 Private / Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Reg.) 
John Robert Brodby 1920 20-09-1944 24 Flying Officer Pilot / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
George Broderick 02-09-1925 04-12-1944 19 Private / Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Reg.) 
John Stuart Mee Bromley 17-03-1916 13-05-1940 24 Great Britain 
Maurice Brooker 12-1922 22-01-1945 Fusilier / Royal Scots Fusiliers 
Thomas Sandford Brookfield 13-10-1922 21-07-1944 21 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Charles Robert Brooks 1918 02-10-1944 26 Private / Wiltshire Regiment 
Ernest Brooks 20-02-1945 Private / Army Catering Corps
Howard Broom 24-07-1920 05-10-1942 22 Flight Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Can. Air Force 
William Harry Broome 1914 30-09-1944 30 Major / Worcestershire Regiment 
Douglas Oliver Broughton 28-09-1921 13-05-1943 21 Flight Sergeant*Air Gunner / Royal Can. Air Force 
Alfred John Henry Brown 1919 10-02-1945 25 Private / Gordon Highlanders 
Alfred Leslie James Brown 1911 02-10-1944 33 Private / Devonshire Regiment 
Arthur Brown 1918 17-08-1941 23 Flight Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Res. 
Charles Jefferson Brown 1925 04-10-1944 19 Private / Dorsetshire Regiment 
David Brown 29-06-1943 Sergeant Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Edgar Barwood Brown 23-05-1920 19-07-1944 24 Flight Sergeant / Royal Australian Air Force 
George Arthur Brown 1926 02-02-1945 18 Private / Gloucestershire Regiment 
Richard Brown 1913 10-12-1944 31 Private / Gloucestershire Regiment 
Robert Brown 1901 07-11-1944 43 Lance Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
Thomas Vernon Brown 1923 20-01-1945 21 Private / South Wales Borderers 
Walter Arnold Brown 1917 26-12-1944 27 Trooper / Royal Armoured Corps
William Gordon Leslie Brown 1914 22-06-1943 28 Pilot Officer Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
John Browne 25-10-1919 18-02-1945 25 Lieutenant / Highl. Light Inf. (City of Glasgow Reg.)
George Thomas Brownlow 1917 18-09-1944 27 Private / The Parachute Regiment 
Hugh Brownson 1912 06-10-1944 32 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Eric James Bruce 1925 17-01-1945 19 Private / Leicestershire Regiment
James Bruckshaw 03-1921 01-07-1941 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Ronald Bruton 1923 24-09-1944 21 Guardsman / Welsh Guards 
Irwin Bryan 1925 24-09-1944 19 Private / Green Howards (Yorkshire Regiment) 
George Bryce 1921 06-10-1944 23 Private / Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg) 
George Henderson Pepper Buchanan 10-01-1915 17-08-1941 26 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / Royal Canadian Air Force 
Stanley Buckley 18-05-1923 20-09-1944 21 Guardsman / Coldstream Guards 
John Johnstone Alexander Bulloch 1926 23-02-1945 18 Rifleman / Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) 
Geotge Leslie Bunting 1922 11-05-1945 22 Leading Aircraftman / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Albert George Burbridge 1919 13-06-1941 21 Sergeant / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Arthur Burgess 05-05-1920 22-06-1943 23 Flight Sergeant Pilot / Royal A.F.Volunteer Reserve 
Hector George Burgess 07-1918 27-06-1941 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Malcolm Burgess 1925 08-02-1945 19 Fusilier / Royal Welch Fusiliers 
Cuthbert Worcester Graham Burke 16-12-1913 08-04-1943 29 Warrant Officer Class II*Air Bomber / R. Can. A.F. 
John Bell Burke 1922 15-05-1945 22 Sub-Lieutenant / Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve 
John Stanley Burnside 06-01-1915 08-07-1941 26 Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Air Force
Arthur Desmond Burt 1925 04-10-1944 19 Private / Hampshire Regiment
Dennis Gilbey Burton 16-11-1921 08-02-1945 23 Private / Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 
Frederick Burton 20-07-1915 22-06-1943 27 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Harold Burton 1918 29-09-1944 26 Private / Green Howards (Yorkshire Regiment) 
George Henri de Bussac 04-04-1922 22-06-1943 21 Pilot Officer Pilot / Royal Canadian Air Force 
George Butcher 1917 04-10-1944 27 Serjeant / Wiltshire Regiment 
Arthur Butler 1920 18-09-1944 24 Private / The Parachute Regiment 
Eric James Butler 1917 10-04-1941 23 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
George Herbert Butler 1922 25-05-1944 21 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Martin Levi Buxton 1916 30-05-1943 26 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Phillip Denis Byrne 1914 26-07-1942 28 Sergeant Flight Engineer / Royal Air Force


Ivan William Cain 1924 06-10-1944 20 Warrant Officer Pilot / Royal New Zealand Air Forc 
William Michael Caine 1913 09-07-1941 28 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Richard Howell Callaghan 1923 01-08-1942 19 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
John Arthur Callan 1919 17-12-1942 23 Sergeant Flight Engineer / Royal Air Force
James Henry Callander 26-03-1918 02-10-1944 26 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Horace Callow 16-01-1917 21-07-1944 27 Flying Officer Navigator / R. New Zealand Air Force 
Cyril Calvert 07-1921 20-12-1942 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
William James Cecil Cambridge 1914 19-07-1944 30 Sergeant Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Thomas Cameron 1915 29-11-1944 29 Serjeant / Royal Artillery 
John Albert Camm 01-10-1918 21-10-1944 26 Gunner / Royal Artillery
Colin Campbell 1920 17-02-1945 24 Lieutenant / Scots Guards
Gilbert Campbell 06-06-1918 19-11-1944 26 Squadron Leader /Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
John Michael Campbell 1912 29-03-1943 30 
Kenneth Patrick Campbell 1920 16-07-1941 21 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Ernest Leslie Cane 1920 27-09-1944 24 Private / Hampshire Regiment 
James Cardle 1923 20-04-1945 21 Trooper / Royal Armoured Corps 
Alexander Rodger Cardoo 1922 30-05-1943 20 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Frederick William Carless 10-02-1917 01-03-1945 28 Private / Northamptonshire Regiment 
Rex Lionel Carr 25-08-1916 19-07-1944 27 Flying Officer / Royal Australian Air Force 
William Aloysius Casey 05-02-1917 17-08-1941 24 Pilot Officer Observer / Royal Canadian Air Force
Sidney Reginald Cassey 10-04-1941 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Leonard Causley 21-05-1914 26-07-1942 28 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
George Clayton Cavanagh 31-08-1921 07-08-1942 20 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
George Reuben Stacey Cayless 1923 29-06-1943 19 Sergeant Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve
George Chadwick 07-1907 03-11-1944 Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
Rennie Chadwick 1911 03-12-1944 33 Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
Reginald Challice 19-04-1916 02-10-1944 28 Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
John Hart Chambers 22-06-1921 09-03-1945 23 Driver / Royal Engineers 
James John Chandler 1924 30-05-1943 18 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Frank Chapman 1912 08-02-1945 32 Private / Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg) 
William Charles Chapman 1909 08-11-1944 35 Lance Corporal / Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 
William Risden Chapman 09-1921 17-06-1944 Pilot Officer W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Walter Charles 1925 28-02-1945 19 Private / East Yorkshire Regiment 
Harold Alma Cheasman 28-04-1921 14-02-1943 21 Sergeant Navigator-Bomber / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Robert Stanley Chisholm 1914 13-06-1941 26 Flying Officer / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Ernest Tastard Christie 11-04-1921 15-10-1941 20 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Robert Stanley Christie 13-05-1920 12-06-1943 23 Flight Sergeant / Royal Australian Air Force 
Costas Christopher 16-02-1914 08-02-1945 30 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Joseph Civelli 1914 04-10-1944 30 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 
Herbert Clark 1908 28-02-1945 36 Craftsman / Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineer 
Neville Roy Maslen Clark 23-10-1917 29-05-1944 26 Flying Officer / Royal Australian Air Force 
Norman Charles Clark 1919 06-04-1945 25 Lieutenant / Royal Engineers 
David Thomas Clarke 1919 01-10-1944 25 Private / Worcestershire Regiment 
John William Clarke 13-01-1915 06-08-1942 27 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Kevin James Clarke 1917 25-02-1945 27 Warrant Officer Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Harold Clayton 1922 18-09-1944 22 Private / The Parachute Regiment 
John Frederick Clayton 1917 18-09-1944 27 Private / The Parachute Regiment
Charles Jack Cleal 1924 10-10-1944 20 Private / Cheshire Regiment 
James Cliffe 1924 24-02-1945 20 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps
Ronald Charles William Clift 29-12-1924 25-11-1944 19 Private / Gloucestershire Regiment 
David Nicholson Clough 1922 20-09-1944 22 Sergeant Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Arthur James Clover 1923 02-02-1943 19 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Grossett Keith Coates 27-01-1913 08-07-1941 28 Pilot Officer Pilot / Royal Canadian Air Force 
Frank Horace Coburn 1912 19-11-1944 32 Serjeant / Royal Artillery 
James Raymond Henry Cochrane 05-10-1920 25-05-1944 23 Pilot Officer Air Gunner/ Royal Canadian Air Force 
Hector Armitage Cockcroft 1906 29-10-1944 38 Staff Serjeant / Royal Army Medical Corps 
Helier George le Cocq 1916 10-02-1945 28 Captain / East Lancashire Regiment 
George Demetrius Kegereko Coe 17-04-1919 22-06-1943 24 Warrant Officer Class II*W.Op-Air Gnr / R. Can. A.F. 
Stanley Riswin Colbert 1921 09-01-1943 21 Flight Sergeant Pilot /Royal A.F.Volunteer Reserve 
Thomas Charles Cole 1917 20-09-1944 27 Guardsman / Grenadier Guards
Thomas Frederick Cole 1914 18-04-1945 30 Lance Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
Leslie Bernard Coleman 1909 26-09-1944 35 Private / East Yorkshire Regiment
Douglas Joffre Colley 07-1916 28-09-1944 Private / Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 
John Collie 14-10-1920 18-09-1944 23 Serjeant / Army Physical Training Corps 
John Jim Collin 27-04-1917 25-02-1945 27 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Alexander Collings 29-09-1903 14-11-1944 41 Private / Pioneer Corps
Albert Edward Collins 1916 01-03-1945 28 Private/ Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg) 
Eli Collins 28-03-1919 04-12-1944 25 Private / Pioneer Corps 
David Colville 26-04-1919 18-02-1945 25 Captain / King's Own Scottish Borderers
Peter Herbert Comben 27-02-1917 15-10-1944 27 Lance Corporal / Royal Corps of Signals
Frederick Commons 1923 23-02-1945 21 Private / Essex Regiment
Thomas Conaboy 16-12-1912 08-02-1945 32 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Alfred Norman Conner 30-04-1920 14-02-1943 22 Warrant Officer W.Op.-Air Gnr / Royal Canadian A. F.
Terence William Connor 1916 25-06-1943 26 Sergeant Navigator / Royal Air Force
Alfred James Cook 22-05-1923 12-02-1945 21 Corporal / Royal Welch Fusiliers 
Alfred William Cook 09-1913 12-10-1944 Private / Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry 
Donald Cook 1909 04-05-1945 35 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 
Frederick Alexander Cook 06-1926 19-01-1945 Private / Gloucestershire Regiment 
Neil Caldwell Cook 18-07-1912 16-07-1941 28 Flight Sergeant Pilot / Royal A.F.Volunteer Reserve 
Richard Harold Cook 1919 28-09-1944 25 Corporal / Dorsetshire Regiment 
Russel Gordon Cook 24-11-1912 08-04-1943 30 Flying Officer W.Op.-Air Gnr / Royal Canadian Air F. 
Walter Randall Cook 1911 24-05-1943 31 Sergeant Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Edmund Cookson 07-1915 01-12-1944 Private / Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Reg.) 
Frederick Gordon Cooper 1920 17-11-1944 24 Serjeant / Royal Corps of Signals 
Peter Cooper 08-10-1919 02-10-1944 24 Lieutenant / Royal Engineers 
George Robert Cope 10-07-1919 15-06-1943 23 Flight Sergeant / Royal Australian Air Force 
Thomas William John Copeland 23-11-1917 29-06-1943 25 Warrant Officer Class II Air Gnr./ R. Canadian A.F 
Charles Ernest Copley 05-10-1915 02-10-1944 28 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 
Norman Coppock 1915 10-10-1944 29 Private / Royal Army Ordnance Corps 
Arthur Raymond Leslie Corben 1921 09-02-1945 23 Private / Seaforth Highlanders 
Charles Arthur Corby 1911 26-09-1944 33 Gunner / Royal Artillery
Percival Maurice Corley 07-1922 14-02-1943 Sergeant Air Bomber / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Edgar Stanley Coster 13-08-1914 30-05-1943 28 Sergeant Air Bomber / Royal Air Force 
Frank Gerald Coulby 18-01-1918 01-07-1941 23 Sergeant Observer / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Alfred Reginald Coulstock 08-08-1920 18-11-1944 24 Private / Green Howards (Yorkshire Regiment)
Andrew Jack Cowlrick 19-01-1916 03-06-1942 26 Warrant Officer Pilot / Royal New Zealand Air Forc 
Frederick William Cox 1910 14-02-1943 32 Sergeant Observer / Royal Air Force
Frank Nevison Craddock 1917 08-02-1945 27 Trooper / Royal Armoured Corps 
William Cram 15-06-1943 Sergeant Air Bomber / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Geralr Crane 1920 17-08-1941 21 Sergeant Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Frederick Gordon Crighton 30-04-1921 03-06-1942 21 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Herbert Ernest Cross 1913 19-06-1943 29 Pilot Officer Navigator / Royal Air Force 
James Crossley 04-04-1926 13-02-1945 18 Private / Welch Regiment 
Douglas Henry Crouch 01-05-1911 15-06-1943 32 Flight Sergeant / Royal Australian Air Force
Phillip Crowley 29-01-1916 13-02-1945 29 Serjeant / Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 
Gordon Frederick Crown 1924 25-09-1944 20 Guardsman / Coldstream Guards 
Lawrence Austin Prance Crowther 1924 08-02-1945 20 Private / Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 
Frederick William Gordon Croxford 01-04-1911 19-12-1944 33 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Frank William Cryer 1918 09-02-1945 26 Fusilier / Royal Welch Fusiliers 
David Henry Curtis 1925 19-01-1945 19 Private / Gloucestershire Regiment


Thomas Peter Daly 1916 22-01-1945 28 Private / King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 
Edmund Darvill 1908 02-11-1944 36 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
James Davidson 1921 06-10-1944 23 Private / Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg) 
Robert Martin Davidson 1916 06-04-1945 28 Flying Officer Pilot / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Arthur Davies 1918 30-09-1944 26 Serjeant / Royal Tank Regiment 
Brinley Desmond Davies 1918 11-02-1945 26 Lieutenant / South Wales Borderers 
Ceredig Davies 1915 09-10-1944 29 Rifleman / King's Royal Rifle Corps 
David Richard Davies 1912 03-01-1945 32 Lance Corporal / Monmouthshire Regiment 
Edwin Davies 1918 23-09-1944 26 Corporal / Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
Elwyn Michael Davies 1909 19-01-1945 35 Serjeant / Royal Artillery 
Horace Davies 1915 09-02-1945 29 Fusilier / Royal Welch Fusiliers 
James Davies 1915 08-02-1945 29 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
James Thomas Davies 1920 29-11-1944 24 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Reginald Davies 1914 09-02-1945 30 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
William Arthur Davies 13-03-1920 22-06-1943 23 Sergeant Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Albert Edward Davis 1906 01-06-1940 33 Serjeant / Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment
Leonard Davis 1923 02-10-1944 21 Private / Royal Army Medical Corps 
Leonard Frank Rogers Davis 25-12-1908 13-03-1942 33 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Olivier Henry Frederick Davis 1919 04-10-1944 25 Private / Somerset Light Infantry 
Fred Davison 1913 24-09-1944 31 Gunner / Royal Artillery (city of London) 
Thomas Davison 1912 23-08-1943 31 Sergeant Bomb Aimer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
John Robert Dawson 1915 05-10-1942 27 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Frederick Edwin Day 1917 01-06-1945 27 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
John Francis Day 11-03-1917 26-07-1942 25 Pilot Officer W.Op.-Air Gnr / Royal Can. Air Force 
Victor Wallace Day 1922 17-02-1945 22 Lance Corporal / Seaforth Highlanders 
Ronald Deacon 1925 08-04-1945 19 Private / Leicestershire Regiment 
Roy Dearing 12-02-1925 04-12-1944 19 Private / Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Reg.)
Thomas Debney 04-09-1912 24-09-1944 32 Trooper / Reconnaissance Corps 
John Charles Deller 18-12-1919 05-12-1944 24 Lance Corporal / Royal Engineers 
John Glen Dening 23-03-1915 17-12-1942 27 Flight Sergeant / Royal Australian Air Force 
Ivor George Dennis 1920 28-09-1944 24 Private / Dorsetshire Regiment 
Arthur Hugh Deryck 1925 17-04-1945 19 Trooper / Royal Armoured Corps
Augustus Harold James Desmond 1906 05-10-1942 36 Sergeant*Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Michael Desmond 1907 03-11-1944 37 Private / Royal Army Ordnance Corps 
Denis Devignez 28-02-1920 15-04-1945 25 Sous Lieutenent / Belgian Army 
Arthur Dibble 10-10-1909 15-10-1944 35 Gunner / Royal Artillery
Rodney Pearson Revell Dickinson 1922 23-01-1945 22 Lance Serjeant / Reconnaissance Corps 
Leonard Thomas Dixon 10-05-1940 Pilot Officer Pilot / Royal Air Force 
Norman Dixon 29-12-1913 06-11-1944 30 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 
Laurence St.George Dobbin 09-11-1912 12-08-1942 29 Flight Lieutenant Pilot / Royal New Zealand Air F.
John Kenneth Dolphin 1926 06-10-1944 18 Signalman / Royal Corps of Signals
Jozef Domanski 1911 19-06-1941 29 Sierzant / Polish Air Force 
Joseph Donaldson 26-04-1916 08-02-1945 28 Private / Durham Light Infantry 
Thomas Donnelly 18-06-1913 12-10-1944 31 Private / Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg) 
Henry Arthur Dorricott 30-08-1911 23-09-1944 33 Private / Worcestershire Regiment
Leslie Clement Dorward 22-03-1913 05-10-1942 29 Flying Officer / Royal Australian Air Force 
Norman Dotchin 1922 17-08-1941 19 Pilot Officer Pilot / Royal A. Force Volunteer Res. 
Douglas Douds 19-01-1922 15-06-1943 21 Flight Sergeant / Royal Australian Air Force 
Ronald Thomas Douglas 1919 26-05-1943 23 Flying Officer Air Bomber / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Alexander Frederick Douglas Smith 1918 08-10-1944 26 Major / Royal Berkshire Regiment 
William Downey 1915 24-09-1944 29 Guardsman / Irish Guards
Roland Downing 03-1926 02-03-1945 Private / Leicestershire Regiment 
Alexander Irvine Lewis Downs 1917 11-09-1942 25 Sergeant / Royal Australian Air Force 
William James Doyle 1919 01-10-1944 25 Guardsman / Irish Guards 
William Frederick Roy Draycott 1914 20-09-1944 30 Lance Serjeant / Grenadier Guards 
Leonard Duberry 1926 12-02-1945 18 Private / Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 
Albert Edward Duff 1924 02-10-1944 20 Driver / Royal Engineers 
Patrick Dullard 17-03-1910 25-10-1944 34 Lance Serjeant / Irish Guards 
Emile Joseph Francis Dunand 28-02-1918 02-02-1943 24 Flying Officer W.Op.-Air Gnr / Royal Canadian Air F. 
Stanley William Dungate 1918 09-02-1945 26 Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
Peter John Dunger 1922 13-05-1943 20 Flying Officer Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
William Thomas Dunkeld 10-09-1921 24-12-1944 23 Flying Officer Pilot / Royal Canadian Air Force
Thomas William Dunlop 1921 02-10-1944 23 Private / Somerset Light Infantry 
Arnold Maurice Dunn 03-03-1916 13-04-1945 29 Captain / Royal Tank Regiment 
Bernard Dunn 15-09-1909 04-12-1944 35 Private / Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Reg.) 
Edward Henry Dunn 1912 26-09-1944 32 Private / Dorsetshire Regiment 
Michael Dunne 1911 15-02-1945 33 Serjeant / Irish Guards 
William Hendry Dunne 20-09-1909 29-10-1944 35 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Donald Dunstan 04-1926 14-02-1945 Private / East Lancashire Regiment 
Frederick William Yhomas Dutfield 07-06-1916 28-09-1944 28 Private / Somerset Light Infantry 
John James Dutton 1916 29-11-1944 28 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Alfred Duval 1917 10-10-1944 27 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Jack Dye 1919 02-10-1944 25 Corporal / Reconnaissance Corps 
William F. Dye 11-12-1908 26-04-1945 36 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Henry David Patrick Dyer 1919 16-07-1941 22 Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal New Zealand Air Force 
Harold Edward Dyerson 1911 27-04-1944 32 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 


Ralph Stacey Eagleton 1920 20-01-1945 24 Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
Leonard William Ealy 1910 23-02-1945 34 Private / Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry
Percy George Eames 11-03-1918 24-05-1943 25 Sergeant Navigator-Bomber/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Leonard Edgar Earley 1903 26-09-1944 41 Serjeant / Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineer 
Charles Henry Eaton 14-12-1902 05-10-1944 41 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Wilfred Eccles 29-12-1917 08-01-1945 27 Lance Serjeant / Lincolnshire Regiment
Alfred Ronald Edwards 1914 18-04-1945 30 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
George Eric Edwards 21-04-1921 24-09-1944 23 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Dennis John Egan 1926 22-01-1945 18 Private / South Wales Borderers 
Anthony Bernard Ellingworth 1910 26-09-1944 34 Bombardier / Royal Artillery
Frederick Joseph Elliott 1919 27-10-1944 25 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 
Arthur Oates Ellis 1925 25-12-1944 19 Private / York and Lancaster Regiment 
Cecil Henry Ellis 1924 19-09-1944 20 Guardsman / Grenadier Guards 
Frederick Ellis 1919 08-02-1945 25 Private / Pioneer Corps 
Frederick Francis Samuel Ellis 1916 29-12-1944 28 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 
Graham Eric Ellis 02-10-1917 14-03-1945 27 Lieutenant / South Staffordshire Regiment 
Peter Donald Ellis 1923 30-10-1944 21 Trooper / Royal Tank Regiment 
James Harold Elston 01-10-1907 26-01-1946 38 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 
Thomas Henry Navin Emerson 02-07-1918 14-07-1943 25 Pilot Officer Air Gunner / Royal Canadian Air Force 
Clifford Entwistle 1921 29-06-1943 21 Flight Sergeant Wir.Operator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
David George Evans 21-07-1944 Flight Lieutenant Flight Engineer / RAF Vol. Res.
David John Evans 1907 04-12-1944 37 Private / Pioneer Corps 
Ernest Frederick Evans 1904 10-05-1945 40 Lieutenant / Royal Engineers 
Frederick Harry Evans 1917 31-10-1944 27 Private / Somerset Light Infantry 
Harold Arthur Evans 1918 05-11-1944 26 Lance Serjeant / Middlesex Regiment 
John Warwick Craven Evans 1922 24-05-1943 20 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Owen Alwyn Evans 12-08-1915 22-09-1944 29 Private / Wiltshire Regiment 
Percival William Evans 1915 24-09-1944 29 Private / Army Catering Corps 
Joseph Henry Eveline 17-05-1920 14-02-1943 22 Flight Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Can. Air Force 18. G. 3.
Geoffrey George Evenden 11-02-1926 09-02-1945 18 Rifleman / Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) 06. B. 1.
William John Ewart 1917 02-06-1942 24 Flight Lieutenant*Pilot / RAF Volunteer Reserve 20. E. 3.


Thomas Wyllie Howie Fairie 1922 09-02-1945 22 Captain / Royal Engineers 
Ronald James Fairweather 1922 17-02-1945 22 Lance Corporal / Somerset Light Infantry 
Edward Frederick Fare 1919 10-07-1943 24 Sergeant*Navigator / Royal Air Force
Douglas Gerald Farquhar 1921 19-11-1944 23 Flying Officer Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Richard Victor Farrant 1918 16-01-1945 26 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps
Leonard Farrell 11-02-1914 26-09-1944 30 Corporal / Army Catering Corps 
Harry Gregory Farrington 04-06-1918 29-03-1943 24 
Ernest Walter Farwell 1921 22-09-1944 23 Private / Wiltshire Regiment 
David Hendry Fenner 1913 25-02-1945 31 Flying Officer Pilot / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
John Fergusson 1921 18-02-1945 23 Captain / King's Own Scottish Borderers 
Walter Alfred Ferrier 31-07-1910 11-04-1945 34 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
William Edward Field 1920 08-02-1945 24 Private / Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 
Leslie Stanley Finch 07-11-1908 08-02-1945 36 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Robert Finch 1914 20-01-1945 30 Serjeant / Rifle Brigade
Donald Scott Finlason 15-04-1921 15-06-1943 22 Flight Sergeant / Royal Australian Air Force 
Alfred Finney 1914 22-02-1945 30 Private / Gordon Highlanders
Frederick Graham Fisher 1923 06-12-1944 21 Sergeant*Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
John Chisholm Fitzgerald 22-02-1923 26-07-1942 19 Flight Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Can. Air Force
John Flannery 09-06-1915 04-12-1944 29 Private / Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Reg.) 
Dennis Walter Cleveland Fletcher 07-04-1922 22-06-1943 21 Flight Sergeant Pilot /Royal A.F.Volunteer Reserve 
Eric David Arnold Fletcher 31-08-1916 23-09-1944 28 Serjeant / Welch Guards 
George Henry Fletcher 1916 05-10-1944 28 Guardsman / Coldstream Guards 
Harold Fletcher 1925 27-09-1944 19 Private / Green Howards (Yorkshire Regiment) 
Norman Frank Fletcher 24-10-1916 20-02-1945 28 Private / York and Lancaster Regiment
Stanley Reginald George Fletcher 1923 30-10-1944 21 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 
Thomas Fletcher 1906 28-09-1944 38 Gunner / Royal Artillery
William Fletcher 1913 14-02-1943 29 Squadron Leader / Royal Air Force 
Alfred John Flight 06-10-1918 16-10-1944 26 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Joseph Edward Floyd 1916 07-10-1944 28 Lance Corporal /Green Howards (Yorkshire Regiment) 
Leslie Reginald Follon 1926 19-02-1945 18 Fusilier / Royal Welch Fusiliers 
William Arthur Follows 11-07-1922 22-06-1943 20 Flying Officer Bomb Aimer / Royal Can. Air Force 
Edwin John Ford 1909 21-05-1942 32 Flight Sergeant Pilot / Royal A.F. Volunteer Reserve 
Geffrey Ford 1910 20-11-1944 34 Private / Pioneer Corps 
Henry Forshaw 1910 15-09-1945 35 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Albert Foster 1925 13-02-1945 19 Private / York and Lancaster Regiment 
Edward Henry John Foster 1920 31-03-1945 24 Guardsman / Coldstream Guards 
Frederick Foster 1922 06-10-1944 22 Private/ Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg) 
Joseph Foster 1924 05-04-1945 20 Private / York and Lancaster Regiment 
Kenneth Foster 1924 10-07-1943 19 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Middleton Jones Foster 1925 04-10-1944 19 Private / Durham Light Infantry 
Peter Hollowell Foster 1920 13-03-1942 21 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Norman Fotheringham 25-06-1943 Sergeant Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserv
George Andrew Fowler 1915 20-09-1944 29 Corporal / Royal Army Service Corps 
Eric Basil Hartley France 1916 11-07-1940 24 Sergeant Observer / Royal Air Force 
John Stevens Francis 1924 22-06-1944 19 Sergeant Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Maurice Alfred Francis 1919 01-10-1944 25 Gunner / Royal Artillery
Chipman Cameron Dawson Fraser 1920 02-09-1942 22 Flight Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / Royal Can. Air Force
John Young Fraser 1915 10-12-1944 29 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Norman Henry Fredman 1920 06-05-1944 23 Flight Lieutenant Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserv 
James Freel 21-04-1922 12-03-1943 20 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Charles Henry Fritchley 1919 01-10-1944 25 Private / Green Howards (Yorkshire Regiment) 
Albert Frederick Frost 21-10-1911 09-02-1945 33 Private / Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 
Leslie Frost 1919 19-12-1944 25 Private / King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 
Ronald Robert Froud 1924 26-10-1944 20 Private / Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
George Harold Fryers 03-1926 08-02-1945 Fusilier / Royal Welch Fusiliers 
Frank Fullard 1910 16-07-1941 31 Sergeant Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve
Harry Arthur Fuller 07-10-1913 02-04-1945 31 Private / Lincolnshire Regiment 
Richard Fuller 1920 18-09-1944 24 Private / The Parachute Regiment 
Ronald Frank Fuller 1920 26-12-1944 24 Signalman / Royal Corps of Signals 


Anthony Wyndham Gwyn Gaisford 1925 08-02-1945 19 Lieutenant / Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 
James Alfred Gale 08-1923 22-09-1944 Guardsman / Irish Guard
Leonard Thomas Francis Gale 1918 02-05-1945 26 Private / Pioneer Corps
Herbert Maurice Gall 04-05-1915 06-08-1942 27 Sergeant / Royal Australian Air Force 
Harry Gamble 1915 07-12-1944 29 Private / Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 
Ernest Gandy 1919 02-11-1944 25 Private / Durham Light Infantry 
Roy Ernest Gane 13-02-1918 04-11-1944 26 Serjeant / Dorsetshire Regiment 
Douglas Graham Garde 05-10-1920 22-05-1944 23 Flight Sergeant / Royal Australian Air Force 
Harold Phillip Gardiner 1919 07-08-1942 23 Sergeant Flight Engineer / Royal Air Force 
Robert Thomas Gardiner 1913 26-01-1945 31 Lance Corporal / Essex Regiment 
Reginald James Garlish 1920 16-05-1941 20 Flight Sergeant Observer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Leonard Richard Garrett 1923 02-10-1944 21 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
John Aubrey Trevor Garrould 1921 16-05-1941 19 Pilot Officer Pilot / Royal A. Force Volunteer Res. 
George Gascoyne 1914 02-06-1942 27 Pilot Officer W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Ernest Phillip Gaskin 1913 14-02-1945 31 Sapper / Royal Engineers
Victor David Gay 1914 11-02-1945 30 Private / South Wales Borderers
Peter Stanley Geary 1924 20-02-1945 20 Corporal / King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 
Roy Hamilton Geddes 1920 29-06-1943 22 Pilot Officer / Royal Australian Air Forc
Daniel Lloyd George 1917 18-09-1944 27 Private / The Parachute Regiment 
William George 1922 30-05-1943 20 Sergeant Air Gunner  RAF Volunteer Reserve 
William Ernest George 1922 13-02-1945 22 Lance Corporal / Seaforth Highlanders 
Cecil Louis Gerding 23-09-1919 13-05-1943 23 Flight Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Can. Air Force 
Llewellyn Gerrish 1926 21-09-1944 18 Private / Hampshire Regiment 
William Gibb 1915 22-02-1945 29 Lance Corporal / Royal Scots 
James Gibbons 1909 08-02-1945 35 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Leonard Gibbons 1920 26-09-1945 25 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Ronald Alexander Gibbs 1922 03-02-1945 22 Flying Officer Pilot / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
The Hon. Vicary Paul Gibbs 1921 20-09-1944 23 Captain / Grenadier Guards
Albert Leslie Gibson 1906 29-10-1944 38 Corporal / Royal Army Ordnance Corps
Donald Fraser Gibson 1921 04-07-1941 20 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Albert Owen Gilbert 1921 14-02-1943 21 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
John Richard Gilbert 28-10-1922 06-08-1942 19 Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Canadian Air Force 
Arthur Gilbey 1919 16-02-1945 25 Serjeant / Royal Armoured Corps 
Frederick Walter Giles 1919 03-10-1944 25 Corporal / Somerset Light Infantry
Leslie John Gilham 1925 01-10-1944 19 Guardsman / Irish Guards 
George Henry Gilliver 1925 18-09-1944 19 Private / The Parachute Regiment
Edmond David Girardot 20-10-1921 18-04-1942 20 Pilot Officer Pilot / Royal Canadian Air Force
William McCall Girdwood 1919 22-06-1943 23 Flying Officer Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Herbert Glanister 1919 01-12-1944 25 Lance Serjeant / Duke of Wellington's
William Denis Glenn 19-07-1944 Sergeant*Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve
Albert Glover 16-07-1941 Sergeant / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Walter Goddard 1926 12-12-1944 18 Fusilier / Royal Scots Fusiliers 
Geoffrey George Golding 1921 09-11-1942 21 Sergeant*Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Charles Milton Goldsborough 1919 03-10-1944 25 Private / Green Howards (Yorkshire Regiment) 
Benjamin Frederick Goldsmith 1920 02-10-1942 22 Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Air Force 
George William Gordon 1901 08-03-1945 43 Serjeant / Royal Artillery 
Hugh Lyons Gordon 1908 15-06-1943 34 Flying Officer / Royal Australian Air Force 
Reginald Arthur John Goslin 1904 26-01-1946 41 Sergeant / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Robert William Gould 1918 21-10-1944 26 Serjeant / Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 
George Arthur Gouldbourne 1901 07-11-1944 43 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 
Charles Hindmarch Graham 1921 03-10-1944 23 Gunner / Royal Artillery
Douglas Timothy Grant 1921 09-12-1944 23 Lieutenant / Gloucestershire Regiment 
Reginald Grant 1923 04-06-1945 21 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 
William Grant 1910 22-02-1945 34 Private / Gordon Highlanders 
Stanley Graves 1909 26-09-1944 35 Trooper / Royal Horse Guards 
Joseph Gray 1911 04-10-1944 33 Warrant Officer Class II C.S.M./ Wiltshire Regiment 
Lawrence Aubrey Lytton Gray 1908 26-07-1942 34 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Robert John Gray 1923 16-10-1944 21 Private / Royal Army Medical Corps
Frank William Greasley 1912 17-10-1944 32 Private / East Yorkshire Regiment
Edward Calvin Green 18-11-1923 17-06-1944 20 Pilot Officer*Air Gunner/ Royal Canadian Air Force 
Harry Green 03-08-1916 08-02-1945 28 Private / Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg) 
Leonard Green 27-06-1915 08-02-1945 29 Lance Corporal / Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)
Roger Denys Green 1923 02-04-1945 21 Lieutenant / King's Royal Rifle Corps
Peter Michael Benson Greenall 26-04-1925 21-09-1944 19 Lieutenant / Grenadier Guards
Gilbert John Greening 1922 10-07-1943 21 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Stanley Tom Greenman 1914 03-10-1944 30 Lance Corporal / Wiltshire Regiment
Alan Greensides 01-1909 13-06-1941 Flight Sergeant/ Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
William Roy Greenslade 19-03-1917 02-10-1942 25 Squadron Leader Pilot / Royal Air Force 
Alan George St.John Grieve 1909 27-06-1941 31 Pilot Officer Observer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
William John Grieve 1920 27-06-1941 20 Flight Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / Royal Air Force 
William Griffin 1925 04-12-1944 19 Fusilier / Royal Scots Fusiliers 
William Stanwell Griffiths 1916 05-12-1944 28 Flying Officer / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
James William Travers Grimshaw 17-02-1912 26-09-1944 32 Warrant Officer Class II B.S.M./ Royal Artillery
George Henry Samuel Grist 22-02-1909 02-10-1944 35 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Trevor Walter Groves 1905 30-03-1945 39 Gunner / Royal Artillery
Ernest Alfred Francis Grunsell 1921 27-03-1941 19 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Arthur Onslow Edward Guinness 08-05-1912 08-02-1945 32 Major / Royal Artillery, The Viscount Elveden 
William Gunn 01-1917 08-02-1945 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Colin Henry Guntrip 01-1926 23-04-1945 Corporal / Leicestershire Regiment


Leslie Frederick Hadaway 1924 30-11-1944 20 Private / Durham Light Infantry 
Charles Eric Hagan 1921 02-09-1942 21 Sergeant Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Keith Ian Hailey 1920 22-05-1945 24 Flying Officer / Royal Australian Air Force 
Morris Hall 1917 06-10-1944 27 Serjeant/Highland Light Inf.(City of Glasgow Reg.) 
Ronald William Hall 1925 27-02-1945 19 Private / Monmouthshire Regiment 
John Lawry Halliday 1914 19-11-1944 30 Flying Officer*Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Samuel Douglas Halliwell 1920 08-02-1945 24 Lance Corporal / Scots Guards 
Arthur Fitzgerald Halsted 08-10-1920 13-05-1943 22 Flight Sergeant Pilot /Royal A.F.Volunteer Reserve 
Gerald Arthur Hamblin 1925 20-09-1944 19 Guardsman / Grenadier Guards 
John William Hampson 30-09-1915 10-10-1944 29 Private / Durham Light Infantry 
Robert William Hanley 1923 26-09-1944 21 Private / East Yorkshire Regiment 
Arthur Vernon John Hardcastle 10-1918 13-06-1941 Pilot Officer / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
William Hardie 1913 01-10-1944 31 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Norman Walter Harding 1918 07-07-1941 23 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Roy Norman Hardy 1925 02-11-1944 19 Private / Dorsetshire Regiment 
John Harley 1924 26-09-1944 20 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 
Peter Joseph Harper 03-05-1925 09-02-1945 19 Private / Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 
Waldo George Harries 07-03-1911 29-09-1944 33 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
John Frederick Harris 1913 29-03-1943 29 
Robert Maxwell Harris 1920 22-05-1944 23 Flying Officer / Royal Australian Air Force 
Walter John Harris 14-10-1921 03-01-1943 21 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Albert Henry William Harrison 12-01-1926 08-05-1945 19 Driver / Royal Engineers
John James Harrison 1920 04-12-1944 24 Private / Pioneer Corps 
Kenneth Howard Harrison 05-10-1942 Flying Officer Air Gunner / Royal Air Force 
Sanley Harrison 1919 25-09-1944 25 Pilot Officer Pilot / Royal A. Force Volunteer Res. 
Wilfred John Harrison 1913 01-04-1945 31 Private / Somerset Light Infantry 
Francis Joseph Hart 16-06-1913 27-06-1941 28 Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Canadian Air Force 
Percy Edward Hart 1920 24-02-1945 24 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 
Edmund Hartley 24-09-1916 13-02-1945 28 Private / East Lancashire Regiment 
Edward Hartley 27-01-1943 Sergeant Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 
William James Howard Hartry 09-08-1913 16-07-1941 27 Sergeant Air Observer / Royal Canadian Air Force 
James Leslie Hartshorn 1920 14-02-1943 22 Flight Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force
Dennis Harvey 1910 26-05-1943 32 Flying Officer Air Gunner / Royal Air Force
John Andrew Harvey 1923 02-10-1944 21 Guardsman / Welsh Guards 
John Harwood 23-08-1943 Sergeant  W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Walter William Hatch 1920 16-04-1945 24 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 
Kenneth Frederick Hawes 21-09-1917 25-02-1945 27 Lance Corporal / Royal Engineers 
Denis Farmbrough Hawkes 09-03-1916 17-08-1941 25 Sergeant Wireless Operator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Patrick Hawkin 1906 20-11-1944 38 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Frederick Hawkins 1910 21-02-1945 34 Craftsman / Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineer 
John Hawkins 1916 20-11-1944 28 Private / Pioneer Corps
Leslie Richard Hawley 14-03-1941 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Wilfred Hawley 06-1919 23-09-1944 Private / Wiltshire Regiment 
Francis Hay 17-09-1911 30-05-1943 31 Flight Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Eric Edwards Hayes 10-1916 03-06-1942 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
John Hayes 1914 06-10-1944 30 Lance Cpl. / Highl.Light Inf. (City of Glasgow Reg.) 
John Henry Terence Hayes 09-01-1921 24-05-1943 22 Flight Sergeant / Royal Australian Air Force 
Reginald Hayward 1916 24-09-1944 28 Corporal / Royal Army Service Corps 
Thomas Alfred Hayward 1915 08-02-1945 29 Private / Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry. 
C. Heard 1924 02-10-1944 20 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Harold Edgar Heath 1923 02-09-1942 19 Flight Sergeant Pilot / Royal Canadian Air Force 
Jack Heath 1921 12-06-1943 21 Flight Sergeant / Royal Australian Air Force
Kenneth George Heaton 1924 17-11-1944 20 Private / Hampshire Regiment 
Michael Cyril Hebbert 04-1921 09-11-1944 Lieutenant / Durham Light Infantry 
Edward Robert Hedger 01-01-1914 08-11-1944 30 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Harry Gilmore Heenan 25-08-1923 25-09-1944 21 Lieutenant / Royal Armoured Corps 
Alfond van Hemelrijck 01-05-1916 16-03-1945 28 Soldaat / Belgian Army 
Raymond Heminsley 1915 02-04-1945 29 Lance Corporal / Duke of Wellington's 
Albert Todd Henderson 06-04-1915 25-11-1944 29 Private / Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 
Charles Henderson 1918 20-10-1944 26 Trooper / Royal Armoured Corps 
Joseph Henderson 1910 25-05-1944 33 Flight Sergeant Wir.Operator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Kenneth George Henderson 1916 03-10-1944 28 Sapper / Royal Engineers
Basil John Henegan 1925 04-10-1944 19 Private / Wiltshire Regiment 
Henry Hennessey 1917 02-04-1945 27 Serjeant / King's Royal Rifle Corps 
Lewis Willman Hepworth 1921 09-10-1944 23 Private / Devonshire Regiment 
Christopher Reginald Herbert 23-03-1906 26-06-1941 35 Pilot Officer Pilot /Royal A. Force Volunteer Res.
Ronald John Herridge 1917 06-10-1944 27 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Eric Bernard Herrmann 1912 30-04-1945 32 Private / Pioneer Corps 
Raymond Alfred Charles Hersey 1917 08-10-1944 27 Warrant Officer Class II B.S.M. / Royal Artillery 
Thomas Hesketh 1918 09-01-1943 24 Sergeant Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Ronald Heslop 1922 12-03-1943 20 Sergeant Air Bomber / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Edward Wright Hey 1918 14-12-1944 26 Lieutenant / Northamptonshire Regiment 
Thomas Heyes 1925 29-01-1945 19 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Leonard Charles Hickford 1923 21-07-1944 21 Flight Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal New Zealand A. 
Harold Francis Higdon 1926 08-02-1945 18 Private/ Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg)
Wilbert Scott Hignell 1917 09-01-1943 25 Warrant Officer Class II Air Observer / R. Can A.F. 
David Hill 04-05-1917 26-12-1944 27 Trooper / Reconnaissance Corps 
Edward Henry Hill 1903 06-10-1944 41 Warrant Officer Class II C.S.M. / Dorsetshire Reg. 
Herbert Berkeley Hill 1923 02-09-1942 19 Sergeant Observer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
John Arthur Hill 1912 13-10-1944 32 Captain / Royal Artillery 
John Charles Hiscock 1921 17-11-1944 23 Private / Green Howards (Yorkshire Regiment) 
Peter John Hoad 31-12-1917 27-03-1941 23 Sub-Lieutenant (A) / Royal Navy
John Hepton Hocking 22-05-1915 04-12-1944 29 Serjeant / Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Reg.) 
Francis Charles Hodge 1916 10-03-1945 28 Private / Somerset Light Infantry 
William Hodge 1925 25-06-1945 19 Private/ Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg) 
Harold Hodgson 1912 03-12-1944 32 Fusilier / Royal Scots Fusiliers 
Harry Hodgson 1920 04-10-1944 24 Lance Corporal / Scots Guards 
Albert William Hodkinson 1920 06-10-1944 24 Lance Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
William Hodson 19-11-1944 Pilot Officer W.Op.-Air Gnr/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Peter John Hogan 1921 12-06-1943 21 Flight Sergeant / Royal Australian Air Force
Jack Gordon Hole 1921 29-06-1943 21 Sergeant Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Albert Edward Holland 1920 27-01-1943 22 Sergeant Air Bomber / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
John French Hollingworth 1916 03-07-1941 25 Sergeant Wireless Oper.(Air) / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Albert Ernest Holmes 09-1923 22-06-1944 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Reginald Alfred Holmes 09-06-1913 22-09-1944 31 Trooper / Life Guards 
Ernest William Phillips Holt 09-1917 16-10-1944 Private / The Queen's Royal Regiment (West Surrey) 
Peter Grattan Holt 31-05-1923 30-05-1943 19 Flying Officer Pilot / Royal Canadian Air Force 
Leonard Homewood 1919 09-02-1945 25 Private / Manchester Regiment 
Henry Elliott Hope 09-1915 11-11-1944 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Richard Garfield Hopkins 1920 01-04-1945 24 Lance Corporal / Welsh Guards
Tom Spencer Hopkinson 1922 28-09-1944 22 Gunner / Royal Artillery
Harry Hopwood 1919 18-09-1944 25 Private / The Parachute Regiment
William Horridge 1925 09-01-1945 19 Private / Gloucestershire Regiment 
Alfred Meddicks Horton 1925 06-10-1944 19 Private/ Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg) 
John Harold Horwood 08-10-1918 12-06-1943 24 Flight Sergeant / Royal Australian Air Force 
Frank Hoskins 10-11-1906 21-09-1944 37 Private / Hampshire Regiment 
Ian Milne Hossack 1921 11-07-1940 19 Pilot Officer Pilot / Royal Air Force 
William Hough 1921 26-09-1944 23 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Raymond Thomas Housden 1919 01-03-1945 25 Trooper / Royal Horse Guards
Jack Howarth 1916 23-02-1945 28 Private / Essex Regimen
Albert Edward Howe 1925 13-04-1945 19 Lance Corporal / Royal Army Service Corps 
Bernard Howe 1920 22-06-1943 22 Sergeant Wireless Operator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Frank Cecil Howe 1921 14-02-1943 21 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Edward Howell 1923 21-07-1944 21 Pilot Officer Pilot / Royal New Zealand Air Force 
Ronald Howells 1917 01-08-1942 25 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
George Hoyle 01-08-1901 20-11-1944 43 Private / Pioneer Corps 
Donald Sidney Hudd 1925 18-05-1945 19 Driver / Royal Engineers 
Frank Hudson 07-02-1913 04-12-1944 31 Corporal / Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Reg.) 
John Hudson 18-03-1912 26-05-1943 31 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Tom Hudson 1912 21-10-1944 32 Serjeant / Royal Artillery
Albert Hughes 25-05-1918 20-01-1945 26 Private / South Wales Borderers 
Arthur David Hughes 1917 20-02-1945 27 Private / Monmouthshire Regiment
Frederick Leonard Hughes 1921 02-10-1942 21 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / Royal Air Force 
William John Hughes 02-11-1919 09-10-1944 24 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Frank Hulme 26-07-1918 08-02-1945 26 Private / Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)
Harry Walter Hunt 1917 25-07-1940 23 Sergeant Observer / Royal Air Force 
Walter Hunt 1925 06-10-1944 19 Private/ Highl.Light Infantry(City of Glasgow Reg) 
William Gordon Hunt 1915 07-11-1944 29 Lieutenant / Royal Canadian Infantry Corps 
Anthony Douglas Northey Hunter 06-08-1912 20-02-1945 32 Major / Royal Scots Fusiliers 
Charles Archibald Hunter 1904 28-09-1944 40 Serjeant / Royal Artillery
Donald Sidney Hunter 1922 27-09-1944 22 Guardsman / Welsh Guards 
Frederick Valentine Hunter 15-02-1908 04-11-1944 36 Private / Dorsetshire Regiment 
Wilfred Hunter 1920 24-02-1945 24 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
John Joseph Huntley 23-04-1910 10-11-1944 34 Private / Durham Light Infantry
Alfred Hurley 1923 03-11-1944 21 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
William Hurrell 29-11-1921 09-11-1942 20 Sergeant Air Bomber / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
William Robert Stephan (Bill) Hurrell 01-05-1923 26-09-1944 21
Colin Hutchinson 1924 20-02-1945 20 Private / York and Lancaster Regiment 
John Denholm Hutchinson 1913 20-02-1945 31 Private / King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 
Douglas Alexander Hutton 1924 09-02-1945 20 Lieutenant / Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
George Albert Hyatt 12-03-1943 Sergeant / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
James Joseph Hyde 1917 25-09-1944 27 Warrant Officer Pilot / RAF Volunteer Reserve 


John Ivers 11-02-1921 09-02-1945 23 Sapper / Royal Engineers


James Connacher Jackes 20-11-1916 20-12-1942 26 Pilot Officer Air Gunner/ Royal Canadian Air Force 
Eric Raymond Jackson 1923 13-05-1945 21 Private / Royal Army Ordnance Corps
George William Turner Jackson 1912 15-10-1941 29 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Robert Arthur Jackson 1915 02-02-1943 27 Flight Lieutenant Pilot / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
William Jackson 1919 07-06-1942 22 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Donald Jagger 1924 22-06-1944 19 Sergeant Wireless Oper.(Air)/RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Douglas James Jamieson 1925 08-07-1941 16 Pilot Officer Pilot / Royal New Zealand Air Force 
Paul Winstanley Jeanneret 1919 14-02-1943 23 Flying Officer Navigator/ Royal Canadian Air Force
Michael Charles Jefferies 1921 26-05-1943 21 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Matthew Jefferson 1912 25-02-1945 32 Private / King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
Eric Jeffs 22-06-1943 Sergeant Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve
John Claude Jenkins 1907 10-10-1944 37 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Richard John Jenkins 1921 12-03-1943 21 Sergeant / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
William Jenkins 14-07-1914 05-10-1944 30 Second Lieutenant / Hampshire Regiment 
David Walter Jennings 21-03-1919 15-10-1941 22 Sergeant Observer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Albert Jepson 1916 03-07-1941 25 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Wilfred George Jesson 10-05-1914 08-07-1941 27 Sergeant Pilot / Royal New Zealand Air Force
Eric Edwin Johns 12-1919 18-09-1944 Private / The Parachute Regiment 
Albert Johnson 25-05-1944 Sergeant Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve
Frederick William Johnson 1904 03-12-1944 40 Private / Army Catering Corps
Julius Bjorn Johnson 04-01-1916 25-06-1943 27 Sergeant Flight Engineer / Royal Can. Air Force
Tom Johnson 15-03-1912 19-12-1944 32 Serjeant / Gloucestershire Regiment
James Francis Johnston 05-03-1916 21-09-1944 28 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 
James Sidney Johnston 02-06-1917 29-10-1944 27 Driver / Royal Engineers 
Ian Alexander Bruce Johnstone 1915 12-03-1942 26 Pilot Officer Pilot /Royal A. Force Volunteer Res. 
Wilfred Jolly 1922 08-02-1945 22 Serjeant / Gordon Highlanders
Brynmor Samuel Jones 1916 15-10-1941 25 Sergeant Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Claude William Jones 08-06-1915 23-08-1943 28 Flight Sergeant Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Douglas Alfred Jones 1923 16-04-1945 21 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Edward Jones 1924 06-10-1944 20 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
George Evan Jones 13-04-1916 22-09-1944 28 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps
John Granville Jones 1919 02-04-1945 25 Private / Lincolnshire Regiment 
John Thomas Jones 1920 04-12-1944 24 Lance Corporal / Duke of Wellington's 
Leonard Jones 1910 11-10-1944 34 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Morgan Douglas Jones 10-11-1917 01-04-1945 27 Guardsman / Welsh Guards 
Ronald Jones 1926 08-02-1945 18 Fusilier / Royal Welch Fusiliers 
Rowland Woolley Jones 17-06-1944 Flying Officer Air Bomber / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Robert Jopling 1909 17-08-1941 32 Flight Sergeant Observer / Royal Air Force
Donald Valentine Jordan 1920 22-06-1943 22 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
John Henry Jordan 04-07-1912 16-02-1945 32 Corporal / Royal Armoured Corps 
George Edward Joseph 17-12-1908 28-10-1944 35 Serjeant / Royal Artillery
Douglas Albert Josey 30-06-1920 12-10-1944 24 Sergeant / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Earl Harcourt Joslin 20-04-1911 28-04-1945 34 Private / Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry Highlanders
Burton Norris Jost 02-08-1911 25-06-1943 31 Squadron Leader Pilot / Royal Canadian Air Force
Walter Victor Joyce 1916 13-02-1945 28 Private / East Lancashire Regiment 
Jack Leslie Jury 27-02-1922 12-08-1942 20 Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal New Zealand Air Force 


David Robertson Kay 01-11-1914 20-11-1944 30 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Harold Kay 1910 14-02-1943 32 Sergeant*W.Op.-Air Gnr / Royal Air Force 
Harry Kay 1914 14-02-1943 28 Sergeant*Navigator-Bomber / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
James Joseph Kearns 1915 11-09-1942 27 Sergeant Observer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Percy Harold Kearse 08-02-1924 21-01-1945 20 Flying Officer Pilot / Royal Canadian Air Force 
David Fred Keighley 1920 20-09-1944 24 Gunner / Royal Artillery
Daniel Kelly 1921 25-04-1946 24 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps
Robert Taylor Kelman 1924 18-02-1945 20 Private / Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 
George Kemp 1922 10-07-1945 23 Leading Aircraftman / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Alan Kempster 27-06-1940 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Gerald Moore Kennedy 1918 03-07-1941 23 Pilot Officer Observer / Royal Air Force 
John Kennedy 1915 28-09-1944 29 Guardsman / Grenadier Guards 
Joseph Kennedy 1917 17-02-1945 27 Corporal / Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)
Ronald Kennedy 1920 29-03-1943
William Kenny 31-03-1922 24-02-1945 22 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 
Fred Kent 1910 15-02-1945 34 Guardsman / Irish Guards 
George Kenyon 1903 06-11-1944 41 Private / Corps of Military Police
Michael Keogh 1923 26-05-1943 19 Sergeant Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve
Reginald Sydney Kerwin 12-06-1943 Sergeant Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Robert Sydney Langston Keymer 03-1916 16-05-1941 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
David Kidd 1923 05-07-1945 22 Private / Pioneer Corps 
Ernest John Kightley 09-1917 24-10-1944 Corporal / Royal Welch Fusiliers 
Richard Killingworth 01-1922 18-09-1944 Private / The Parachute Regiment 
Albert W. Kilpin 1915 07-02-1945 29 Serjeant / Royal Artillery
Joseph William Kilyon 1920 14-02-1943 22 Sergeant Flight Engineer / Royal Air Force 
Albert Frederick King 12-1923 30-01-1945 Rifleman / Rifle Brigade 
Benjamin King 1913 30-05-1943 29 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Edward Joseph Kinsey 1915 20-01-1945 29 Private / Leicestershire Regiment
John Charles Kinsley-Smith 1915 18-09-1944 29 Serjeant / The Parachute Regiment 
James Kirby 1923 27-01-1943 19 Sergeant Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Leslie Leonard Kirby 1924 03-10-1944 20 Guardsman / Welsh Guards 
Stanley George John Kirby 23-11-1915 01-10-1944 28 Lance Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
Ronald Herbert Kirkpatrick 14-09-1916 11-09-1942 25 Sergeant Observer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Stanley Kirton 1912 04-10-1944 32 Serjeant / Durham Light Infantry
Victor Robert David Kissick 1921 12-03-1943 21 Flight Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Can. Air Force 
John Knall 08-11-1914 05-10-1944 29 Private / Devonshire Regiment 
Terence Knight 1918 15-02-1945 26 Lance Corporal / Gordon Highlanders 
Vaclav Kosulic 26-09-1915 17-04-1941 25 Pilot Officer / Royal Air Force Vol Reserve (Czech) 
Frantisek Kracmer 21-05-1916 17-04-1941 24 Sergeant / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve(Czech) 
Henry John Krohn 30-09-1921 22-06-1943 21 Flight Sergeant / Royal Australian Air Force 
Vladimir Kubicek 11-10-1913 17-04-1941 27 Flying Officer / Royal Air Force Vol. Res. (Czech) 


Charles Attinson Lamb 1917 08-02-1945 27 Lance Cpl. / Highl.Light Inf.(City of Glasgow Reg.) 
Thomas George Lambert 1923 08-02-1945 21 Private / Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 
L. Lampert 1918 17-04-1945 26 Starszy Dragon / Polish Army
Richard Lancaster 19-12-1918 25-09-1944 25 Lance Corporal / Somerset Light Infantry 
John William Retford Landy 1917 04-12-1944 27 Private / Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Reg.) 
Albert William Lane 06-1917 02-02-1943 Pilot Officer Air Bomber / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
John Edward William Lane 1916 25-06-1943 26 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Reginald Austin Frank Lane 07-1916 08-10-1944 Corporal / Dorsetshire Regiment
Joseph Langdon 1903 02-12-1944 41 Warrant Officer Class II B.S.M./ Royal Artillery 
Paul Langston 1922 24-10-1944 22 Flight Lieutenant / Royal New Zealand Air Force 
Robert George Larcombe 03-1915 02-10-1944 Private / Wiltshire Regiment 
George Russell Last 01-04-1916 02-02-1946 29 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Reginald Harold Wiseman Latham 1902 09-03-1945 42 Private / Royal Army Ordnance Corps 
William Latimer 1926 17-02-1945 18 Rifleman / Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) 
Samuel Laughlin 1920 13-05-1943 22 Sergeant Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Raymond Law 1921 04-10-1944 23 Private / Wiltshire Regiment 
Edward Strickland Lawrence 28-04-1902 28-09-1944 42 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Roy William Laybourne 1922 27-04-1944 21 Sergeant Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Frank Lea 1926 20-02-1945 18 Private / York and Lancaster Regiment 
James Arthur Leadbeater 1905 20-11-1944 39 Sapper / Royal Engineers
Edward Dennis Leamy 26-02-1920 11-07-1940 20 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / Royal Air Force 
John Leaver 1916 29-11-1944 28 Lance Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
Douglas Arthur Ledgard 02-09-1920 26-02-1945 24 Lance Corporal / Royal Armoured Corps 
Albert Edward Lefort 1921 23-08-1943 22 Flight Sergeant Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Ronald George Lemky 1920 13-06-1944 23 Warrant Officer Class II Air Bomber / R. Can. A.F. 
Patrick Leonard 1921 17-02-1945 23 Private / Seaforth Highlanders 
Alfred Leveridge 01-1906 02-10-1944 Private / Royal Army Medical Corps
Neville John Lewery 04-06-1917 15-10-1941 24 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Alfred John Lewis 1918 18-02-1945 26 Private / South Wales Borderers 
Bertram Pryce Lewis 24-01-1916 17-10-1944 28 Lance Corporal / Dorsetshire Regiment 
Reginald Lawrence Lewis 09-06-1915 12-06-1943 28 Sergeant Wireless Operator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Eric Lidster 1921 22-06-1943 21 Sergeant Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Rudolf Lifcic 29-03-1911 17-04-1941 30 Sergeant / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve(Czech) 
Owen Lilly 08-12-1919 18-09-1944 24 Corporal / The Parachute Regiment
Ivan Wildman Lineker 1921 03-01-1943 21 Sergeant / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Richard William Lister 1916 24-09-1944 28 Lance Corporal / Coldstream Guards 
William John Little 14-03-1915 10-03-1945 29 Serjeant / Royal Scots Fusiliers 
William John Lockett 02-06-1891 05-04-1945 53 Major / Royal Engineers 
Arthur Longson 1902 15-02-1945 42 Private / Army Catering Corps 
John Douglas Longstaff 24-05-1918 21-11-1944 26 Lance Corporal / Devonshire Regiment 
Arthur Grant Longwell 1913 14-02-1943 29 Flight Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Can. Air Force 
James Lawrence Lord 1911 16-12-1944 33 Lieutenant / Royal Artillery 
William Henry Lovering 06-1912 29-10-1944 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Richard Bruce Loverseed 10-1920 13-05-1943 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Clarence Lowe 30-11-1919 23-09-1944 24 Trooper / Royal Armoured Corps 
Kenneth Allan Lowe 12-06-1918 08-02-1945 26 Major / Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)
Kenneth Victor Lowe 28-02-1914 24-09-1944 30 Serjeant / Worcestershire Regiment 
Elmo Lowes 1917 08-10-1944 27 Serjeant / Highland Light Inf. (City of Glasgow Reg.) 
David James Theodore Lusk 1915 07-05-1940 24 Flying Officer Navigator / Royal Air Force 
Leslie Fritz Luxford 1913 26-01-1945 31 Trooper / Reconnaissance Corps 
John Christian Lynn 1910 18-08-1941 31 Pilot Officer Pilot /Royal A. Force Volunteer Res. 
Philips Douglas Lyon 1920 03-12-1944 24 Serjeant / Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineer 


Eric Merett Macdonald 1912 15-10-1944 32 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Thomas Macdonald 1924 08-02-1945 20 Private / Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 
Kenneth Oswald Mackay 1920 05-10-1942 22 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Robert Mackay 1916 25-02-1945 28 Private / Seaforth Highlanders
Donald Alexander Taylor Mackenzie 14-11-1919 28-09-1944 24 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Douglas Mackie 1920 12-02-1945 24 Captain / South Staffordshire Regiment 
William Macmaster 22-04-1916 04-10-1944 28 Guardsman / Scots Guards 
Donald James Macpherson 21-05-1915 09-11-1942 27 Flying Officer Air Obs. / Royal Canadian Air Force 
Hamish Macrae 07-06-1921 28-09-1944 23 Sapper / Royal Engineers
Hiam Murray Magder 04-04-1922 02-02-1943 20 Flight Sergeant Air Observer / R.Canadian A.Force 
Gordon le Maitre 1925 09-02-1945 19 Private / East Lancashire Regiment 
Dennis Makin 1913 26-05-1943 29 Flying Officer Pilot / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
John Hamish Malet-Warden 30-10-1920 17-08-1941 20 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Alfred Charles Mallett 1907 08-02-1945 37 Serjeant / Royal Artillery 
Arthur John Benjamin Mammatt 24-12-1916 26-11-1944 27 Gunner / Royal Artillery
Arthur Alfred Mander 1923 03-04-1945 21 Guardsman / Grenadier Guards 
Kenneth James Arthur Manley 1918 31-05-1942 23 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Percy James Mann 1925 09-02-1945 19 Private / Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 
Frederick K. Manning 1920 23-09-1944 24 Private / Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 
John Edward Maple 1914 26-07-1942 28 Pilot Officer Pilot / Royal A. Force Volunteer Res. 
Edward Francis Marchant 1908 27-01-1946 37 Warrant Officer Cl. II R.Q.S.M./ Royal Arm.Corps 
William George Marett 1917 14-03-1941 23 Sergeant Wireless Operator / Royal Air Force 
Charles Henry John Marler 1920 01-10-1944 24 Guardsman / Irish Guards 
Edmund (Ted) Marlow 1914 10-02-1945 30 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
James Murray Marnoch 24-05-1913 26-05-1943 30 Flying Officer W.Op.-Air Gnr / Royal Air Force 
John Edward Marriott 1918 04-10-1944 26 Lance Corporal / Middlesex Regiment 
Giles Bacchus Marsh 1920 27-01-1943 22 Sergeant Pilot / Royal New Zealand Air Force 
Harry Marsh 1926 18-01-1945 18 Private / Leicestershire Regiment 
Norman Allan Marston 27-11-1919 25-05-1944 24 Flying Officer Bomb Aimer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
George Martin 1913 05-10-1944 31 Private / Somerset Light Infantry 
James Martin 13-06-1909 21-10-1944 35 Private / Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineer 
Joseph John Francis Martin 1919 03-07-1942 23 Flight Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Res. 
Stanley Bertram Martin 1925 19-01-1945 19 Private / Leicestershire Regiment 
Stanley Ernest Martin 1925 14-04-1945 19 Private / Lincolnshire Regiment
Thomas William Martindale 1912 17-10-1944 32 Serjeant / Royal Artillery 
Stephen James Marugg 19-07-1916 30-05-1943 26 Warrant Officer Class II Air Gnr. / R. Canadian A.F 
Geoffrey Adams Mason 1921 15-06-1943 21 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Thomas Mason 1917 24-02-1945 27 Private / Army Catering Corps 
Edward Mates 1919 03-03-1945 25 Trooper / Reconnaissance Corps 
Alec William Matthews 1924 20-11-1944 20 Sapper / Royal Engineers
Lloyd Stanley Matthews 1914 05-08-1945 31 Private / Pioneer Corps 
William Thomas Matthews 1917 10-10-1944 27 Private / Wiltshire Regiment 
Leslie Cormac Maunsell 1918 26-05-1943 24 Flight Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal New Zealand A. 
Robert Douglas Mcadam 21-07-1944 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
John Mcallister 1913 08-02-1945 31 Private / Gordon Highlanders 
Joseph Mcavoy 15-07-1922 06-10-1944 22 Private / Highl.Light Infantr (City of Glasgow Reg) 
Charles Edward McCarthy 1917 02-10-1944 27 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps
John Francis James Mccaw 23-02-1923 29-03-1943 20 
Donald McColl 30-05-1943 Sergeant*Observer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
James Donald McCoy 1921 10-11-1944 23 Private / Devonshire Regiment 
John McCrae 1921 20-02-1945 23 Rifleman / Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) 
Joseph McCulloch 30-12-1918 24-02-1945 26 Warrant Off. Class II C.S.M/ Royal Scots Fusiliers 
Norman Mcdonald 1919 17-04-1945 25 Trooper / Royal Tank Regiment 
Walter Thomas Mcdonald 1920 16-07-1941 21 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
James Mcdougall 1911 02-12-1944 33 Gunner / Royal Artillery
Guy James Herman Mcelroy 1921 05-10-1942 21 Flight Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / Royal Can. Air Force 
William Mcelroy 1918 10-07-1943 25 Sergeant Flight Engineer / Royal Air Force 
John Ronald Mcgeorge 1922 21-07-1944 22 Flying Officer Air Bomber / RAF Volunteer Reserve
George Glover Mcgladrey 25-10-1920 14-07-1943 22 Flying Officer Wir.Operator / Royal Can. Air Force 
Christopher Mcgoldrick 1925 02-10-1944 19 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
John Eddie Mcinnes 1922 11-02-1945 22 Corporal / Royal Scots Fusiliers
Robert Francis Mcintyre 25-04-1917 02-10-1942 25 Flight Sergeant Air Observer / R.Canadian A.Force 
Bernard Mcivor 1926 08-02-1945 18 Rifleman / Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) 
Alexander Strathern Mcjannett 1922 27-04-1944 21 Sergeant Wireless Operator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Alfred Thompson Mckay 1922 27-04-1944 21 Flying Officer Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Francis Max Mckenzie 1916 23-06-1943 26 Pilot Officer Pilot / Royal New Zealand Air Force
John McNee Mckie 1926 08-01-1945 18 Driver / Royal Engineers 
Ernest Albert Mckone 1920 06-10-1944 24 Guardsman / Coldstream Guards 
Ian Mclachlan 23-08-1921 09-11-1942 21 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve
James Mclean 31-01-1921 06-10-1944 23 Private/ Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg) 
James Mclelland 1920 01-11-1944 24 Private / Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 
John Henry Mcmahon 1912 17-02-1945 32 Fusilier / Royal Welch Fusiliers 
Roderick Mcmillan 17-05-1919 13-06-1944 25 Warrant Officer Class II Navigator / R. Can. Air F 
John Mcnee 1926 08-02-1945 18 Private / Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 
John Mcnee 1918 08-02-1945 26 Private / Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 
David Mcneillie 1919 26-04-1945 25 Fusilier / Royal Scots Fusiliers 
John Mcpherson 1918 29-11-1944 26 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Albert Ernest Mcwilliam 1914 22-06-1943 28 Sergeant Air Bomber / Royal Air Force 
Patrick John Medley 1916 22-09-1944 28 Guardsman / Irish Guards 
Jozef Alojzy Meller 23-06-1942 Kapral / Polish Air Force 
William Mellors 1916 11-10-1944 28 Private / Leicestershire Regiment 
Michael Isaac Archibald Mendoza 1905 18-08-1941 36 Pilot Officer Air Gunner / Royal Air Force 
Mark Linskill Mennell 1922 30-03-1945 22 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
John Howard Metcalfe 1919 27-03-1945 25 Guardsman / Coldstream Guards 
Ralph Metcalfe 1923 22-06-1943 19 Sergeant*Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve
Rodney Albert Mewton 09-1921 17-10-1944 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Thomas Middlehurst 27-07-1913 04-12-1944 31 Lance Corporal / Royal Engineers 
James Millar 1911 10-11-1944 33 Gunner / Royal Artillery
William Haddon Millar 1908 04-12-1944 36 Private / Pioneer Corps
Anthony John Rylands Millard-Tucker 1921 17-08-1941 20 Sergeant Observer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Allan Miller 1914 27-01-1946 31 Sergeant / Royal Air Force 
George Henry Miller 29-06-1918 14-02-1943 24 Pilot Officer Wireless Operator / Royal Air Force 
Keith John Miller 1918 15-10-1941 23 Pilot Officer / Royal Australian Air Force
Sidney Benjamin Miller 1925 08-02-1945 19 Private/ Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg) 
Alan Kingsley Mills 04-05-1920 27-02-1941 20 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Kenneth Alfred Mills 1920 12-03-1945 24 Sergeant Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Matthew Mills 19-07-1921 15-10-1944 23 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
John Alfred Millward 1908 28-11-1944 36 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 
Reginald Alfred Minchin 1917 02-06-1942 24 Pilot Officer Observer / Royal Air Force 
Jack Mitchell 27-03-1941 Sergeant*Wireless Operator / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Reginald Albert James Mitchell 14-03-1920 26-09-1944 24 Serjeant / Royal Artillery 
Stanley Mitchell 1925 28-02-1945 19 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 
Richard Sidney Mobbs 03-1924 13-06-1944 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
William Henry Moger 1913 03-01-1943 29 Sergeant / Royal Air Force 
Edward le Moine 1919 11-02-1945 25 Private / East Lancashire Regiment
John Alan Moller 1923 19-09-1944 21 Lieutenant / Grenadier Guards
Albert Molyneux 1908 09-10-1944 36 Private / Durham Light Infantry 
William Basil Moon 26-10-1915 04-10-1944 28 Private / Devonshire Regiment 
Hugh Harvey Mooney 05-01-1913 29-06-1943 30 Sergeant Navigator / Royal Air Force 
Thomas Anthony Mooney 28-10-1918 29-10-1944 26 Craftsman / Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineer 
Albert Moorcroft 15-04-1920 03-06-1942 22 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Acel Theodore Walter Moore 1913 26-05-1943 29 Flight Sergeant Pilot / Royal New Zealand Air Force 
Ernest Leslie Moore 1922 02-10-1942 20 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Leslie John Moore 1919 12-06-1941 21 Pilot Officer Observer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
William H. Moore 1926 26-02-1945 18 Fusilier / Royal Welch Fusiliers 
Wesley Morey 22-03-1923 13-05-1943 20 Flight Sergeant / Royal Canadian Air Force 
John Edward Morrall 1920 16-02-1945 24 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Ronald William Morris 1918 09-10-1944 26 Private / Hampshire Regiment 
Kenneth William Morrison 26-04-1913 10-07-1943 30 Flight Sergeant / Royal Australian Air Force 
Roy Gordon Morrison 31-12-1914 14-07-1943 28 Flight Lieutenant Navigator / Royal Can. Air Force 
John Beswick Morritt 24-04-1922 23-05-1944 22 Flying Officer / Royal Canadian Air Force 
Peter Mucklow 1921 13-02-1945 23 Lieutenant / Royal Armoured Corps 
William John Mullen 1908 03-11-1944 36 Serjeant / Irish Guards 
Norman Edward Mullins 1922 25-05-1944 21 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Kenneth Mumby 1916 09-02-1945 28 Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
John S. Munro 1909 21-07-1942 33 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve
George Robert Munton 16-06-1912 25-09-1944 32 Flying Officer Navi.-Bomber/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Mansel Herbert Murgatroyd 06-1924 22-01-1945 Private / South Wales Borderers
Arthur John Murphy 03-02-1920 25-05-1944 24 Pilot Officer Air Bomber/ Royal Canadian Air Force 
John Joseph Murphy 1911 09-02-1945 33 Private/ Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg)
Joseph Musaphia 1916 20-11-1944 28 Private / Army Catering Corps 
Albert Edward Musgrave 1921 05-10-1942 21 Sergeant Flight Engineer / Royal Air Force 
Peter Henry Musgrove 1921 11-02-1945 23 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Herbert Francis Sinclair Musk 1920 29-10-1944 24 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 
Kenneth Austin Myners 13-04-1916 04-12-1944 28 Serjeant / Army Catering Corps 


Richard Harry Nash 1918 10-10-1944 26 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Bertram Jack Neill 1918 08-10-1944 26 Private / Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 
George Henry Newbolt 17-07-1921 26-07-1943 22 Sergeant Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 
John Cruikshanks Newlands 23-12-1912 01-07-1941 28 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Joseph Newman 07-03-1907 22-02-1945 37 Serjeant / York and Lancaster Regiment 
Jack Newsome 1923 19-09-1944 21 Guardsman / Grenadier Guards
Barry Stuart Newton 1922 02-04-1945 22 Lieutenant / King's Royal Rifle Corps 
Stanley Norman Newton 1917 11-10-1944 27 Private / Hampshire Regiment 
Maurice Alfred Nias 1918 17-12-1942 24 Flying Officer Observer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Harold James Nicholas 1923 29-09-1944 21 Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
George Edwin Nicholls 1911 27-04-1944 32 Pilot Officer Pilot / Royal A. Force Volunteer Res. 
Leonard Nicholls 1914 27-09-1944 30 Private / Green Howards (Yorkshire Regiment)
Albert Nicholson 1913 02-03-1945 31 Serjeant / East Yorkshire Regiment
George Henry Nix 1912 01-10-1944 32 Private / Green Howards (Yorkshire Regiment) 
George Nixon 30-04-1921 03-06-1942 21 Sergeant Flight Engineer / Royal Air Force 
Ernest Noble 1904 19-11-1944 40 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Frederick William Noble 1923 11-02-1945 21 Private / East Lancashire Regiment 
Percival George Norris 1918 25-09-1944 26 Private / Dorsetshire Regiment
William Norris 1912 10-04-1945 32 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Maurice Norton 1923 09-02-1945 21 Private / Royal Army Medical Corps 
Harold Morris Nottle 08-11-1918 25-09-1944 25 Pilot Officer / Royal Australian Air Force 
Louis J. M. van Nuffel 19-06-1910 18-04-1945 34 Soldat 1ere Classe / Belgian Army


Patrick O'Callaghan 1913 17-01-1945 31 Corporal / Leicestershire Regiment 
Patrick Joseph Anthony O'Callaghan 1921 22-05-1944 22 Sergeant Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 0
Joseph Leonard O'Grady 19-02-1920 05-10-1942 22 Flight Sergeant Air Observer / R.Canadian A.Force 
Nicholas O'Loughlin 1917 07-11-1944 27 Private / Pioneer Corps 
Thomas C. O'Neill 20-09-1944 Lance Serjeant / Irish Guards 
Thomas Joseph O'Reilly 1920 14-10-1944 24 Private / Welch Regiment.
Frank Oades 1920 25-10-1944 24 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Edward Oakes 1918 16-05-1941 22 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Fred Glen Oakes 27-10-1923 21-07-1944 20 Warrant Officer Class II Air Bomber/ R. Can. A.F. 
Raymond George Oakley 1926 03-01-1945 18 Private / Monmouthshire Regiment 
Frederick Kenneth Oaten 1926 28-10-1944 18 Private / Hampshire Regiment 
Douglas Gordon Miles Ofield 15-06-1943 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Paul Thomas Cyril Oldham 1923 14-02-1943 19 Sergeant Flight Engineer / Royal Air Force 
Gordon Leonard Olsen 31-12-1921 17-08-1941 19 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Canadian Air Force
Ronald Onions 05-06-1923 08-02-1945 21 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
William Orange 27-03-1916 02-10-1942 26 Flight Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Wallace Edgar Osmond 18-11-1922 19-11-1944 22 Pilot Officer / Royal Australian Air Force 
Ronald Victor Otto 05-02-1918 02-10-1944 26 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Harry Edward Oughton 1914 04-10-1944 30 Lance Serjeant / Hampshire Regiment
John Overthrow 19-01-1926 13-11-1944 18 Private / Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 
Glyndwr Owens 04-06-1915 08-07-1941 26 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Richard Michael Owtram 1921 15-02-1945 23 Guardsman / Irish Guards 


Charles Henry Page 11-08-1920 24-02-1945 24 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps
Peter John Page 1926 27-01-1945 18 Fusilier / Royal Scots Fusiliers 
James Edward Pallett 25-01-1916 23-02-1945 29 Private / Essex Regiment 
David Edwin Palmatier 08-07-1920 22-06-1943 22 Warrant Officer Class II Air Gnr. / R. Canadian A.F 
Richard Palmer 1915 16-07-1941 26 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Gordon William Pamby 1926 08-02-1945 18 Private / Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg) 
Leslie William Parfitt 1912 16-07-1941 29 Pilot Officer Pilot / Royal A. Force Volunteer Res.
William Phillips Parham 03-02-1945 Flying Officer W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Res. 
James Park 28-10-1920 24-05-1943 22 Sergeant Bomb Aimer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Charles Parker 1917 23-09-1944 27 Private / Wiltshire Regiment 
Norman Parker 22-04-1913 01-01-1945 31 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
William James Parkes 1918 22-06-1943 24 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Cecil Parlett 09-05-1925 09-02-1945 19 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Henry Arthur Parry 1915 28-09-1944 29 Corporal / Rifle Brigade 
Edward Francis Donald Parslow 1909 11-04-1945 35 Lance Corporal / Royal Corps of Signals 
Leslie Ernest Parsons 25-12-1919 08-02-1945 25 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
William Jack Partington 1922 18-09-1944 22 Serjeant / Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineer 
Ernest John Partridge 1920 14-02-1945 24 Private / Gordon Highlanders 
Albert Patrick Patchett 1921 27-09-1944 23 Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
Thomas Paton 12-06-1924 31-01-1945 20 Corporal / Gloucestershire Regiment
Ronald James Paul 1921 12-03-1943 21 Flying Officer Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Robert Frederick Payne 14-08-1918 12-06-1941 22 Pilot Officer Pilot / Royal A. Force Volunteer Res.
Thomas Arthur Peach 02-08-1915 10-05-1940 24 Sergeant Observer / Royal Air Force 
Frederick Robert Pearce 03-04-1921 20-11-1944 23 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
James Frederick Pearsall 1925 30-09-1944 19 Lance Corporal / The Queen's Royal Reg.(West Surrey) 
William George Pearson 1918 26-11-1944 26 Lance Serjeant / Royal Engineers
Elliot Arthur Pease 13-12-1914 11-10-1944 29 Private / Hampshire Regiment
Edward William Peck 11-03-1915 01-10-1944 29 Gunner / Royal Artillery
Maurice Bernard Pelham 1923 13-06-1944 20 Sergeant Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Peter Pemberton 21-09-1925 22-09-1944 19 Guardsman / Irish Guards 
Albert Edward Perkins 1911 09-02-1945 33 Private / Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 
Joseph Elijah Perris 1919 03-12-1944 25 Signalman / Royal Corps of Signals
Alfred William James Pescodd 1906 20-09-1944 38 Corporal / Royal Army Service Corps 
James Henry Peters 1911 28-09-1944 33 Staff Serjeant / Royal Engineers
Sidney Glen Peterson 18-12-1922 25-05-1944 21 Flying Officer Navigator/ Royal Canadian Air Force 2
Kenneth John Pethybridge 1925 29-09-1944 19 Lance Corporal / Hampshire Regiment 
William Petrie 1924 08-02-1945 20 Private / Gordon Highlanders 
Henry Neville Petts 27-03-1918 26-05-1943 25 Flying Officer Navigator/ Royal Canadian Air Force 
Garnet Arthur Phillips 01-07-1923 21-09-1944 21 Flight Sergeant / Royal Australian Air Force 
Henry John Philpotts 1925 18-09-1944 19 Private / The Parachute Regiment
Charles Alec Picken 1915 16-02-1945 29 Private / Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment 
Edwin Pickford 1919 27-09-1944 25 Staff Serjeant / The Glider Pilot Regiment 
James Hurst Pickup 1922 11-10-1944 22 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps
Jerzy Pietrow 1914 26-03-1942 27 Starszy Szeregowiec / Polish Air Force 
Eric Pilling 16-08-1925 28-09-1944 19 Private / Border Regiment 
Warnford Francis Victor Pink 21-07-1942 Flight Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Res. 
Cyril Pitt 1914 09-01-1945 30 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
George Joseph Pitt 1922 10-02-1945 22 Private / Middlesex Regiment 
Ronald William Pittard 1921 26-05-1943 21 Sergeant Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Percy Oswald Plackett 09-05-1910 15-11-1944 34 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Reginald John Plaister 1925 04-04-1945 19 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 
Joseph William Plant 1915 16-10-1944 29 Private / Royal Army Medical Corps 
George Pluck 09-05-1914 28-05-1945 31 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Lawrence Porritt 03-10-1915 26-11-1944 29 Craftsman / Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineer
Derek Edmund Potter 1923 10-03-1945 21 Fusilier / Royal Scots Fusiliers 
Joseph Potter 1917 15-02-1945 27 Lance Serjeant / Irish Guards 
Alec Raymond Potts 1922 22-05-1944 21 Sergeant Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Arthur Herbert Pound 1917 01-10-1944 27 Private / Somerset Light Infantry 
David Evan Frank Powell 05-12-1920 10-04-1941 20 Pilot Officer Pilot / Royal Air Force 
Leonard George Powell 1911 17-12-1942 31 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Thomas Edward Powell 21-04-1918 05-10-1942 24 Warrant Officer Class II Pilot / R. Canadian A.F. 
Sidney David Poxon 07-1919 06-11-1944 Private / Worcestershire Regiment 
Ronald Ernest Pratt 1925 26-04-1945 19 Fusilier / Royal Scots Fusiliers 
Stephen Horace Preece 1919 06-11-1944 25 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Horace Preston 26-04-1925 06-11-1944 19 Private / Worcestershire Regiment 
Sidney Preston 1911 24-04-1945 33 Corporal / Leicestershire Regiment 
Ian Arras Pretswell 14-12-1920 23-05-1944 23 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Edward Guy Prettyman 28-08-1907 14-03-1941 33 Sergeant Observer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
William Albert Price 1916 08-02-1945 28 Private / Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)
Desmond Stanley Pritchard 1921 08-02-1945 23 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Eric Pritchard 1922 06-10-1944 22 Private/ Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg) 
Gwynfor Pritchard 1923 07-04-1945 21 Craftsman / Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineer 
Thomas Proctor 29-10-1944 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 
William Proctor 1919 22-09-1944 25 Private / Wiltshire Regiment 
U. Pronenko 13-11-1944 Labourer / Russian Civilian (Soviet Forces) 
Douglas Vary Prosser 1918 09-11-1942 24 Flight Sergeant Pilot / Royal Canadian Air Force
Alastair Proudfoot 03-06-1916 08-02-1945 28 Guardsman / Scots Guards 
Kenneth Henry Pugh 1912 03-01-1943 30 Sergeant / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Arthur Leslie Pullen 01-07-1941 Flying Officer Pilot / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Stanley Vernon Purbrick 1914 19-10-1944 30 Private / Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry 
Alfred Raymond Purkiss 1921 27-01-1945 23 Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
John James Purser 1921 03-10-1944 23 Private / Devonshire Regiment 
Norman Cecil Pye 08-04-1945 Flight Lieutenant Pilot / RAF Volunteer Reserve


Robert Quigley 18-06-1928 17-02-1945 16 Private / Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders 
Harry Henry Walter Quinton 1921 11-11-1944 23 Serjeant / Hampshire Regiment 


William Ramsay 1926 08-02-1945 18 Rifleman / Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) 
James Noel Randle 1916 08-02-1945 28 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
John Ratcliffe 16-12-1919 10-04-1941 21 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force
Thomas Rawlinson 25-05-1944 Flight Lieutenant Pilot / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Harold George Patrick Read 1916 22-09-1944 28 Trooper / Life Guards 
John Albert James Read 30-03-1911 10-11-1944 33 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Glyndwr Reardon 11-02-1941 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Arthur William Redmore 1923 02-10-1944 21 Driver / Royal Corps of Signals 
Gerald Henry Redwood 1910 21-07-1944 34 Flight Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / R.New Zealand Air F.
Arthur Wyn Rees 1919 05-10-1944 25 Private / Durham Light Infantry 
Jack Halton Reeson 1916 02-04-1945 28 Corporal / King's Royal Rifle Corps
George Thomson Reid 02-06-1942 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Robert Reid 1905 24-11-1944 39 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Frank Walter Renvoize 1920 15-02-1945 24 Serjeant / Reconnaissance Corps
Michael John Reynell 24-03-1920 12-02-1945 24 Major / Royal Tank Regiment 
John William Rhead 24-11-1918 02-10-1944 25 Private / Hampshire Regiment 
George Francis Rice 10-10-1919 11-10-1944 25 Private / Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg) 
George Reginald Rice 19-01-1907 18-01-1945 37 Corporal / Leicestershire Regiment 
Leslie John Rice 1919 24-09-1944 25 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Frank Mansell Richards 1906 15-06-1943 36 Flying Officer Navi.-Bomber / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
John Lawson Richards 02-11-1944 Lieutenant / Royal Engineers 
Arthur Richardson 1920 26-10-1944 24 Private / Royal Army Medical Corps
Douglas David Richardson 1921 09-01-1943 21 Sergeant Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
George Arthur Richardson 1911 20-09-1944 33 Guardsman / Grenadier Guards 
Robert William Richardson 09-11-1922 23-05-1944 21 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Ronald William Ridgley 1922 25-06-1943 20 Sergeant Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
George Henry Ridler 1912 24-09-1944 32 Serjeant / Worcestershire Regiment 
James Ripley 1919 01-03-1945 25 Corporal / Royal Corps of Signals
Eric Rivers 1918 21-02-1945 26 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Herbert John Roberts 1916 04-01-1945 28 Fusilier / Royal Scots Fusiliers 
Kenneth Roberts 1921 29-09-1944 23 Private / Army Air Corps 
Charlles Henry Robinson 1919 26-07-1940 21 Pilot Officer Pilot / Royal Air Force
Donald Thomas Robinson 1916 09-05-1945 28 Flying Officer / Royal Air Force 
Harry Robinson 1921 30-05-1943 21 Sergeant*Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Jesse William Robinson 1913 07-10-1944 31 Private / Durham Light Infantry
Alexander Robson 1925 13-12-1944 19 Corporal / Royal Scots Fusiliers 
Gerald Brian Roche 10-11-1923 21-07-1944 20 Flight Sergeant Pilot / Royal New Zealand Air Force
John Lawrence George Rochester 1918 08-02-1945 26 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Kenneth Rock 1925 08-02-1945 19 Private / Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)
Jack Rodgers 1922 08-02-1945 22 Private / East Lancashire Regiment 
Charles Barrie Rogers 29-01-1918 14-03-1941 23 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
George Frederick Rogers 1900 06-10-1944 44 Private / Royal Army Service Corps 
Kenneth Rogers 1926 08-02-1945 18 Fusilier / Royal Welch Fusiliers 
Ronald Martin Rogers 1920 08-10-1944 24 Private / Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 
William John Rogers 01-01-1945 Rigger's Mate / Royal Navy
Clarence Rose 1920 11-07-1940 20 Sergeant*W.Op.-Air Gnr / Royal Air Force 
Eric Rose 1912 13-03-1942 29 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Frank Rose 1923 30-10-1944 21 Private / Somerset Light Infantry 
Norman Rose 17-11-1912 15-11-1944 31 Lance Corporal / Green Howards (Yorkshire Regiment) 
George Ross 1908 06-10-1944 36 Warrant. Off.Class II C.S.M / Highland Light Infantry 
William Rourke 1917 29-09-1944 27 Guardsman / Irish Guards
Arthur William Row 1917 24-11-1944 27 Serjeant / Middlesex Regiment 
Jack Marsden Rowe 1919 29-09-1944 25 Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
Noel Claude Walter Rowe 25-12-1917 26-04-1945 27 Lieutenant / Leicestershire Regiment 
Thomas Rowe 06-08-1914 20-02-1945 30 Private / Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders 
Reginald Rowell 1925 03-10-1944 19 Private / Hampshire Regiment 
John Allan Rowett 1920 18-06-1945 24 Driver / Royal Engineers 
Norman Frank Rowland 05-01-1923 10-10-1944 21 Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
Edward Rowley 1912 29-03-1945 32 Serjeant / King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
James William Rowling 1911 11-09-1942 31 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Richard Albert Royal 30-06-1921 10-04-1941 19 Flight Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / Royal Air Force 
Ernest Roland Maurice Runnacles 24-04-1914 11-09-1942 28 Pilot Officer Observer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 1
Gordon Russel 1920 26-05-1943 22 Flying Officer Air Bomber / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Constan George Russell 1915 17-05-1945 29 Lance Corporal / Intelligence Corps 
Henry Halliday Russell 1925 20-09-1944 19 Guardsman / Grenadier Guards 
Bruce Alexander Mackenzie Rutherford 26-09-1921 22-06-1944 22 Pilot Officer Navigator / Royal Canadian Air Force 
James Frederick Ryder 25-07-1916 25-01-1945 28 Lance Corporal / Durham Light Infantry 
Robert Ryder 1915 15-03-1945 29 Lance Serjeant / Reconnaissance Corps 


Hubert Hayward Sadler 13-04-1915 29-10-1944 29 Private / Royal Army Medical Corps 
Albert Victor Saker 1919 06-04-1945 25 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Thomas Sampey 1914 03-10-1944 30 Guardsman / Irish Guards 
Glyn Samuel 1925 03-10-1944 19 Private / Dorsetshire Regiment 
William Aspin Sanford 1913 01-03-1945 31 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Ralph Reginald Sargeant 1902 26-09-1944 42 Squadron Quartermaster Corporal / Life Guards 
Patrick Geoffrey Edward Sarsfield-Hall 20-02-1922 28-10-1944 22 Lieutenant / Irish Guards
Henry Thomas Sawford 21-11-1919 25-02-1945 25 Lance Serjeant / Royal Engineers 
Frank Sawyer 1919 01-12-1944 25 Serjeant / Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Reg.) 
Philip Down Scarr 12-1920 27-09-1944 Corporal / Intelligence Corps 
Kenneth Scholes 22-06-1944 Warrant Officer Wireless Operator/ Royal Air Force 
Olivier Edouard Emile Schulz 18-09-1913 08-04-1943 29 Pilot Officer Air Gunner/ Royal Canadian Air Force 
Edward Marshall Scott 1905 05-10-1944 39 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Matthew Scott 1925 04-12-1944 19 Fusilier / Royal Scots Fusiliers 
Thomas MacKie Scott 1922 26-05-1943 20 Sergeant Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Reginald Scriven 1918 02-06-1942 23 Pilot Officer Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Kenneth Frank Seager 1915 27-03-1941 25 Pilot Officer Pilot / Royal Air Force
William Raymond Seal 1920 20-11-1944 24 Private / Army Catering Corps
Thomas Joseph Seavers 25-08-1911 22-10-1944 33 Captain / Royal Army Medical Corps 
A. Sefton 09-06-1913 11-12-1944 31 Private / Lincoln and Welland Regiment 
Leslie Sell 1925 30-09-1944 19 Guardsman / Coldstream Guards 
James Senft 1910 24-01-1945 34 Private / Essex Regiment 
Henry James Setter 1918 24-09-1944 26 Private / Somerset Light Infantry
Owen Shanks 05-11-1910 08-02-1945 34 Lieutenant / Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 
Stanley Sharp 1923 25-09-1944 21 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Antony Cecil Sharpe 1920 12-03-1943 22 Sergeant Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Leslie Sharpe 1922 23-12-1944 22 Private / Royal Army Ordnance Corps 
Albert Shaw 12-05-1921 21-09-1944 23 Guardsman / Grenadier Guards 
Alfred Shaw 1920 26-01-1945 24 Lance Corporal / Essex Regiment 
Eric Shaw 01-05-1919 06-10-1944 25 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
John Leslie Shaw 1916 06-06-1944 27 Squadron Leader / Royal Air Force 
Richard Ernest Shaw 1917 26-05-1940 22 Pilot Officer*Pilot / Royal Air Force 
Royce Selwyn Shaw 09-1923 13-05-1943 Sergeant / Royal Air Force 
Stanley Sheach 1923 08-02-1945 21 Private / Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)
Robert William Shearon 1920 27-01-1943 22 Sergeant Flight Engineer / Royal Air Force 
Ronald Mervyn Sheehan 1924 30-03-1945 20 Lieutenant / Royal Armoured Corps
Stanley George Sheldon 1918 02-10-1944 26 Private / Hampshire Regiment 
Donald Shenton 28-08-1915 17-06-1944 28 Pilot Officer Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Res.
Raymond Clifford Sheriff 25-11-1917 03-12-1944 27 Fusilier / Royal Scots Fusiliers 
Thomas Anthony Sherman 11-10-1918 17-08-1941 22 Sergeant*Pilot / Royal Canadian Air Force 
Alexander Kelso Shiels 05-12-1922 27-04-1944 21 Sergeant Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Robert Arthur Shipley 26-01-1917 02-11-1944 27 Trooper / Royal Armoured Corps
Wilbert Andrews Shoemaker 08-08-1919 26-07-1942 22 Pilot Officer Pilot / Royal Canadian Air Force 
Bertram Shortland 1911 31-01-1945 33 Private / South Wales Borderers 
Jack Showler 1917 24-12-1944 27 Private / Lincolnshire Regiment 
Henry George Shrubb 1922 08-02-1945 22 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Leonard Richard James Shrubsall 1912 29-03-1943 30 
George Rowland Shucksmith 10-11-1917 15-02-1945 27 Private / Welch Regiment
Bertram Sibley 1917 25-09-1944 27 Private / Somerset Light Infantry
Albert Healley Sibson 1914 09-02-1945 30 Private / Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 
Owen Hugh Sibson 19-05-1922 24-05-1943 21 Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Canadian Air Force 
John Winston Sievers 1917 27-06-1941 23 Pilot Officer Pilot /Royal A. Force Volunteer Res. 
Donald Sills 30-10-1918 01-07-1941 22 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Arthur William Simmons 1926 09-02-1945 18 Private / Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 
Donald Walter Charles Simmons 1925 16-02-1945 19 Rifleman / Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) 
George Singer 1921 24-09-1944 23 Private / Wiltshire Regiment
Ian Douglas Singer 1922 01-08-1942 20 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Frank Sixta 20-09-1913 17-04-1941 27 Flying Officer / Royal Air Force Vol. Res.(Czech) 
Arthur Skelly 1918 08-02-1945 26 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Frank Richard Fisher Skelly 1920 22-01-1945 24 Flying Officer Pilot / Royal Canadian Air Force 
Donald Skene 1918 10-04-1941 22 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / Royal Air Force (A.A.F.) 
Raymond Slade 1914 02-10-1944 30 Lance Bombardier / Royal Artillery
Frederick Thomas Slater 1915 04-10-1944 29 Staff Serjeant / Royal Artillery
William Henry Slater 09-11-1911 29-10-1944 32 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Adriaan Slob 05-07-1918 23-02-1945 26 Lieutenant / Grenadier Guards 
Albert William Henry Sly 15-06-1913 08-10-1944 31 Private / Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 
Kenneth Charles Small 16-02-1919 15-10-1944 25 Lance Corporal / Royal Army Service Corps 
John Dick Smillie 1918 17-02-1945 26 Private/ Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg) 
Alexander Plant Smith 27-07-1920 16-05-1941 20 Flight Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / Royal Air Force
Arthur Holdsworth Smith 1910 30-05-1943 32 Flight Sergeant Pilot / Royal New Zealand Air Force
Bernard Smith 1918 10-12-1944 26 Gunner / Royal Artillery
Bernard Frederick Smith 1924 09-02-1945 20 Private / Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 
Bertram Frederick Smith 1915 28-09-1944 29 Corporal / Royal Army Service Corps 
Charles Arthur Smith 1913 23-09-1944 31 Guardsman / Scots Guards 
Dennis Arthur Smith 1924 17-02-1945 20 Private / Wiltshire Regiment 
Frank Smith 1926 08-02-1945 18 Fusilier / Royal Welch Fusiliers 
Harry Thomas Leyshon Smith 1924 01-10-1944 20 Private / Royal Army Medical Corps 
James Francis Smith 18-09-1922 08-04-1943 20 Warrant Officer Class II Pilot / R. Canadian A.F. 
Keith Emmett Smith 14-07-1923 21-07-1944 21 Flight Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal New Zealand 
Lawrence Lindsay Smith 22-01-1923 27-04-1944 21 Flying Officer Air Bomber / Royal Canadian Air Force 
Leslie Gordon Smith 07-11-1922 24-05-1943 20 Flight Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Can. Air Force 
Marshal Kenneth Smith 1921 02-10-1942 21 Sergeant Flight Engineer / Royal Air Force 
Paul Anthony Smith 1922 08-04-1943 20 Sergeant Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Sidney Arthur Henry Smith 1914 26-09-1944 30 Lance Corporal / Hampshire Regiment 
Stanley Eric Thomas Smith 1921 14-02-1945 23 Guardsman / Irish Guards
Stanley Ernest Smith 1913 08-10-1944 31 Gunner / Royal Artillery
Thomas Cecil Birdwood Smith 25-04-1916 21-02-1945 28 Flight Lieutenant Pilot / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
William Smith 25-07-1901 21-10-1944 43 Craftsman / Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineer 
William Smith 1919 08-02-1945 25 Private / Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 
Edward Kitchener John Snell 1915 06-10-1944 29 Private / Welch Regiment 
Joseph Snelling 1912 05-10-1944 32 Sapper / Royal Engineers
Charles George Snudden 07-11-1904 10-05-1945 40 Able Seaman / Royal Navy
Martin Strahan Soames 1913 12-06-1941 27 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
James Karl Somers 1913 22-06-1943 29 Pilot Officer / Royal Australian Air Force 
Benjamin David Southion 1922 27-10-1944 22 Lance Corporal / Somerset Light Infantry 
Edwin Spalding 17-11-1924 19-02-1945 20 Private / Royal Scots
Edmond Robson Spears 1920 15-10-1944 24 Corporal / Durham Light Infantry 
William George Speer 1925 10-10-1944 19 Lance Corporal / Dorsetshire Regiment
Alan Spence 1923 30-05-1943 19 Flight Sergeant*Bomb Aimer / RAF Volunteer Res. 
Edward Howlett Spence 27-05-1921 09-02-1945 23 Corporal / Gordon Highlanders
Malcolm Burgess Spence 23-11-1916 22-06-1943 26 Pilot Officer Navigator / Royal Canadian Air Force 
George Reginald Stone Spencer 22-03-1912 26-07-1942 30 Sergeant Observer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
John Spencer 1920 10-04-1941 20 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
George Spindler 1925 13-07-1945 20 Sapper / Royal Engineers
A. Spolnicki 05-10-1922 05-01-1945 22 Saper / Polish Army 
Ronald Spriggs 1926 09-02-1945 18 Private / East Lancashire Regiment
Thomas Lavenham Spring 1910 22-05-1944 33 Flying Officer / Royal Australian Air Force 
Kenneth William Stanbridge 1925 11-02-1945 19 Private / Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
Harry Standland 1908 28-09-1944 36 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Philip Standley-Smith 1909 06-06-1944 34 Sergeant Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Ernest Stanley 1920 22-06-1943 22 Sergeant Air Bomber / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Lawrence Frederick Stanley 1926 07-03-1945 18 Private / Leicestershire Regiment
William George Maurice Stannard 17-04-1923 09-02-1945 21 Private / Royal Army Medical Corps 
John Stanton 20-06-1911 09-02-1945 33 Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
Harold Stanyer 1921 18-09-1944 23 Private / The Parachute Regiment
William Mcbain James Stark 22-10-1913 17-12-1942 29 Flight Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Can. Air Force 
Richard Warriner Staveley 1913 02-11-1944 31 Private / Green Howards (Yorkshire Regiment)
James Frederick Treasure Steeds 1919 07-10-1944 25 Lance Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
Alexander Steel 1920 19-05-1943 22 Sergeant Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve
William Steel 1917 02-12-1944 27 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Wilfred Leslie Herbert Steele 1921 05-10-1944 23 Guardsman / Coldstream Guards 
Ernest George Steer 1915 19-11-1944 29 Private / Army Catering Corps
Robert Steer 1913 10-10-1944 31 Private / Devonshire Regiment 
Frederick Stephens 1921 12-03-1943 21 Sergeant Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Harry Bernard Stephens 11-01-1912 06-05-1944 32 Squadron Leader Pilot / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Bernard Stephenson 1920 08-02-1945 24 Serjeant / Royal Artillery 
Thomas Flounders Stephenson 02-05-1912 09-10-1944 32 Private / Durham Light Infantry 
Vaclav Stetka 16-04-1915 17-04-1941 26 Sergeant / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve (Czech) 
Thomas Stevens 1923 18-09-1944 21 Private / The Parachute Regiment 
Edward Barnes Stevenson 15-06-1943 Flight Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Can. Air Force 
John Stevenson 1916 11-10-1944 28 Serjeant / Reconnaissance Corps
Ronald Stevenson 1923 06-11-1944 21 Gunner / Royal Artillery
Walter Stevenson 1920 17-02-1945 24 Lance Cpl. / Highl.Light Inf. (City of Glasgow Reg.) 
Robert Stewart 1922 09-02-1945 22 Fusilier / Royal Welch Fusiliers 
John Stiles 1902 08-02-1945 42 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
William Eric Stock 1908 27-05-1945 36 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Raymond Tarlton Stoddart 1920 30-05-1943 22 Sergeant Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 
John Stokes 1918 16-07-1941 23 Flight Lieutenant Pilot / Royal Air Force 
David Campbell Stone 1921 25-05-1943 21 Sergeant Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
John Harold Storey 1917 16-07-1941 24 Sergeant Observer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Cyril Strand 1919 30-05-1943 23 Pilot Officer Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Alfred Stronach 16-04-1925 11-02-1945 19 Private / Seaforth Highlanders 
Victor John Stroud 1920 29-10-1944 24 Lance Corporal / Coldstream Guards 
David Robert Stuart 1919 02-06-1942 22 Flight Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Res. 
Thomas Edward Stubbs 1923 13-06-1944 20 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Frederick John Sturgess 1924 20-02-1945 20 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Thomas William Sturman 1913 05-10-1944 31 Private / Green Howards (Yorkshire Regiment)
Arthur Styles 1908 09-10-1944 36 Private / Army Catering Corps 
Robert John Styles 1925 14-02-1945 19 Fusilier / Royal Welch Fusiliers 
Joseph Anthony Suart 1916 26-09-1944 28 Lance Corporal / Dorsetshire Regiment 
Thomas Sudron 1913 27-01-1945 31 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Derek Summer 1923 08-02-1945 21 Lance Cpl. / Highl.Light Inf. (City of Glasgow Reg.) 
Ronald Percy Sunley 1919 03-07-1945 26 Signalman / Royal Corps of Signals 
Charles Kenneth Surgey 1920 30-05-1943 22 Sergeant*Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Eric Douglas Sussex 1917 08-11-1944 27 Private / Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 
Maurice Asaph Swann 1922 26-11-1944 22 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Peter Bramwell Sweatman 1924 21-07-1944 20 Flight Sergeant Wir.Operator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Harold Sweet 26-05-1943 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Lewis Swires 1920 18-02-1945 24 Private / Somerset Light Infantry  


William Clifford Taffender 1915 13-06-1941 25 Flying Officer / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Leonard Victor Tanner 1923 22-06-1943 19 Sergeant Wireless Operator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Michael Lee Tansley 1923 28-10-1944 21 Corporal / Royal Armoured Corps 
Anthony Leckonby Ashton Tasker 16-09-1919 20-09-1944 25 Captain / Royal Artillery 
Cyril Taylor 13-05-1943 Sergeant*Wireless Operator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Donald Allan Taylor 1921 22-06-1944 22 Flight Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Can. Air Force 
Francis Craik Taylor 04-03-1904 09-02-1945 40 Gunner / Royal Artillery
Francis Rodney Taylor 1919 04-12-1944 25 Lance Corporal / Pioneer Corps 
George Albert Taylor 1907 24-02-1945 37 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
John Maurice Taylor 1916 02-10-1944 28 Private / Royal Army Ordnance Corps
Patrick Taylor 1925 18-09-1944 19 Private / The Parachute Regiment 
Albert John Thomas 1920 27-09-1944 24 Private / East Yorkshire Regiment 
Daniel Lloyd George Thomas 07-10-1944 Lieutenant / Royal Artillery 
David Ronald Thomas 1919 12-03-1945 25 Corporal / Reconnaissance Corps 
Eric Kelvyn Thomas 1925 26-01-1945 19 Trooper / Reconnaissance Corps
Leonard Evan Thomas 12-03-1943 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Sydney Thomas 1914 12-10-1944 30 Private / Dorsetshire Regiment 
Carlton Stewart Thompson 26-09-1917 13-06-1944 26 Pilot Officer Pilot / Royal Canadian Air Force 
Edward Thompson 1925 17-02-1945 19 Private / Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)
Harry Victor Thompson 12-11-1917 09-11-1942 24 Flight Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Can. Air Force 
John Thompson 1917 31-05-1942 24 Flight Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / Royal Air Force 
Joseph Michael Thompson 1913 13-03-1942 28 Flight Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Can. Air Force 
Leonard Thompson 1921 08-01-1945 23 Corporal / Royal Scots Fusiliers 
William Thompson 1905 30-10-1944 39 Private / Royal Army Medical Corps 
William Lloyd George Thompson 15-04-1921 12-03-1943 21 Sergeant Flight Engineer / Royal Can. Air Force 
Andrew Thomson 1922 10-07-1943 21 Sergeant Bomb Aimer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
David Arthur Thomson 1924 02-10-1944 20 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Hugh Steel Thomson 29-05-1911 02-04-1945 33 Private / Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Reg.) 
William Henry Thomson 1910 26-05-1943 32 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Jack Thornber 1924 12-02-1945 20 Private / East Lancashire Regiment 
John Threadgold 1911 08-03-1945 33 Gunner / Royal Artillery
Kenneth Victor Thrift 1919 20-05-1940 20 Sergeant Observer / Royal Air Force 
Alfred Charles Timms 1919 17-02-1945 25 Private / Dorsetshire Regiment
Stephen Thomas Timms 1911 17-03-1945 33 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Bernard Eric Timson 1925 03-04-1945 19 Guardsman / Grenadier Guards 
Francis Lionel Todd 06-04-1912 05-10-1942 30 Flying Officer Air Obs. / Royal Canadian Air Force 
Herbert Cecil Tolliday 1919 08-02-1945 25 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Gordon Leslie Tompson 1920 12-06-1941 20 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Cyril Tooze 1925 13-02-1945 19 Private / Welch Regiment 
John Townsley 24-07-1921 10-05-1940 18 Aircraftman 1st Class Wireless Oprerator / R.A.F. 
Edward Townson 1921 02-02-1945 23 Private / Essex Regiment 
Archibald Train 1915 02-10-1944 29 Corporal / Hampshire Regiment 
George Abraham Trainer 1911 26-09-1944 33 Private / Green Howards (Yorkshire Regiment)
Laurence James Trapp 28-01-1918 25-02-1945 27 Flight Lieutenant Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserv 
Arthur George Tremeer 1914 04-12-1944 30 Serjeant / Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Reg.) 
William Ernest Trodd 1913 21-02-1945 31 Gunner / Royal Horse Artillery 
Edward John Charles Tuck 1914 31-10-1944 30 Private / Somerset Light Infantry 
Albert Adolphus Tucker 1910 05-10-1944 34 Private / Durham Light Infantry 
Ivor Tucker 1923 30-05-1943 19 Sergeant Flight Engineer / Royal Air Force 
Samuel John Tucker 1907 16-02-1945 37 Private / Royal Army Medical Corps 
Robert James Edward Tullett 1908 23-07-1945 37 Lance Serjeant / Royal Engineers 
Robert Clark Tully 1912 15-10-1944 32 Lance Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
James Alexander Tunney 1923 24-09-1944 21 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Philip Raymond Turgel 1920 26-05-1943 22 Squadron Leader Pilot / Royal Air Force 
Harold Simon Turk 1920 02-10-1944 24 Private / Somerset Light Infantry 
Sydney George Turley 1924 22-11-1944 20 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
David George Turner 30-10-1912 03-10-1944 31 Private / Royal Warwickshire Regiment 
David Rogerson Turner 1924 11-02-1945 20 Private / Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 
John Gerard Turner 1909 02-10-1944 35 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Phillip John Turner 1913 28-09-1944 31 Lance Serjeant / Hampshire Regiment
Roy Alfred Turner 09-05-1945 Leading Aircraftman / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Sidney Robert Turner 1912 03-12-1944 32 Corporal / Seaforth Highlanders 
Norman George Turney 1926 10-02-1945 18 Private / Wiltshire Regiment 
George Tutton 1920 18-09-1944 24 Private / The Parachute Regiment 
Kenneth William Tutton 1922 12-04-1943 20 Warrant Officer Class II Pilot / R. Canadian 
Alexander Spurgeon Twigg 01-1927 13-02-1945 Private / East Lancashire Regiment
Albert Twohy 1918 25-06-1943 24 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Eric William Tyler 02-05-1921 12-06-1941 20 Sergeant Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve
Martine Edward Tyson 1922 16-04-1945 22 Private / Special Air Service Regiment 


James William Harold Unitt 06-1921 17-02-1945 Private / Somerset Light Infantry


Herbert Samuel Vaughan 1915 28-09-1944 29 Lance Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
Alfred Robert Veitch 1922 15-06-1943 20 Sergeant Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Thomas Alfred Vernon 1889 24-07-1940 51 Second Hand / Royal Naval Patrol Service 
Harold James Vincent 1917 22-09-1944 27 Private / Somerset Light Infantry 
Jules Bartram Vlummer 01-04-1919 03-10-1944 25 Serjeant / Worcestershire Regiment 


Allan Waddington 1924 04-10-1944 20 Private / Green Howards (Yorkshire Regiment) 
Charles James Peter Wade 1915 01-11-1944 29 Lance Corporal / Dorsetshire Regiment 
Robert James Wakeford 1913 20-09-1944 31 Serjeant / Grenadier Guards
Derrick Richard Albert Walker 1924 28-09-1944 20 Guardsman / Grenadier Guards 
Harry Walker 1909 20-09-1944 35 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Kenneth Mervyn Walker 1918 15-02-1945 26 Lieutenant / Royal Engineers 
John Douglas Wallace 21-08-1921 13-05-1943 21 Flying Officer*Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Cyril Wallbank 1920 22-05-1944 23 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Malcolm Ronald Wallis 1920 20-12-1942 22 Sergeant Navigator-Bomber / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
George Walsh 1902 26-09-1944 42 Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
James Walsh 1911 22-10-1944 33 Corporal / King's Own Scottish Borderers 
Lawrence Walsh 1926 20-02-1945 18 Private / South Wales Borderers 
Patrick Joseph Walsh 1918 01-10-1944 26 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
John Walton 1920 20-09-1944 24 Guardsman / Coldstream Guards 
Joseph Frank Walton 1916 08-07-1941 25 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Clifford Wanklyn 26-11-1922 14-02-1945 22 Sapper / Royal Engineers 
Jack Warbrick 19-11-1916 01-10-1944 27 Corporal / Royal Army Service Corps 
Clifford Godfrey Harry Ward 03-02-1918 14-03-1941 23 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Frederick Ward 1923 19-07-1944 21 Sergeant Air Gunner / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Frederick Ward 1920 12-03-1943 22 Flight Sergeant Pilot / Royal Canadian Air Force 
Stanley William Ward 1926 24-04-1945 18 Private / Leicestershire Regiment 
Andrew Mcnaughton Wardrope 1920 11-02-1945 24 Guardsman / Scots Guards 
Kenneth Leslie Ware 09-1924 08-02-1945 Private / Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 
Henry James Charles Warner 1910 01-10-1944 34 Private / Somerset Light Infantry 
John Warren 1903 04-12-1944 41 Corporal / Pioneer Corps 
William Francis John Watkinson 1924 16-01-1945 20 Private / York and Lancaster Regiment 
William T. Watson 1913 30-09-1944 31 Private / Worcestershire Regiment 
Alfred John Watts 1918 04-10-1944 26 Guardsman / Irish Guards 
Joseph Noel Watts 25-12-1924 24-02-1945 20 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 
William Charles Watts 1911 09-10-1944 33 Private / East Lancashire Regiment 
William Ronald Watts 1925 19-11-1944 19 Private / Durham Light Infantry
Albert John Waymark 06-1926 25-01-1945 Fusilier / Royal Scots Fusiliers
William John Wearn 1923 23-08-1943 20 Sergeant Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
George Henry Weaver 24-09-1916 11-04-1945 28 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps 
Raymond Charles Webb 1924 01-03-1945 20 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Norman Frederick Webber 1919 03-06-1942 22 Sergeant Observer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Robert Edmund Stanley Weddell 1920 15-06-1943 22 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Eric Weems 1916 03-04-1945 28 Lance Serjeant / Grenadier Guards 
John Davidson Weir 21-10-1915 03-06-1942 26 Pilot Officer Air Gunner/ Royal Air Force 
Geoffrey Lloyd Wells 26-06-1915 17-08-1941 26 Flying Officer / Royal Australian Air Force
John Mosley Wharrier 1919 29-11-1944 25 Lance Bombardier / Royal Artillery 
Harold Wheatley 29-11-1913 24-02-1945 31 Trooper / Royal Tank Regiment
Arthur Crawford White 1922 09-02-1945 22 Lieutenant / Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry 
Ernest White 09-1921 14-03-1941 Sergeant Wireless Operator / Royal Air Force 
Leslie White 1919 11-10-1944 25 Lance Serjeant / Wiltshire Regiment 
Robert Stirratt White 28-11-1921 29-06-1943 21 Sergeant Pilot / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
William John White 1921 25-05-1944 22 Sergeant Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Norman Whitehouse 1911 01-10-1944 33 Serjeant / Royal Artillery 
Duncan Robert Roland Lewis Whitfield 1923 22-06-1944 20 Sergeant Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Frederick John Whiting 1917 01-10-1944 27 Corporal / The Parachute Regiment 
Frank Whittaker 07-11-1914 31-12-1944 30 Private / Lincolnshire Regiment 
Leonard Percival Whitwood 13-11-1913 04-11-1944 30 Private / Dorsetshire Regiment 
Gordon Conrad Wickson 02-02-1921 22-06-1943 22 Flight Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Can. Air Force
Eustace Percy Widgery 1912 08-11-1944 32 Private / Hampshire Regiment
Melvyn Wilcox 1919 08-02-1945 25 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Arthur George Wilkinson 1914 11-01-1945 30 Lance Corporal / Lincolnshire Regiment 
Richard John Wilkinson 1923 21-07-1944 21 Flight Sergeant Navigator / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Frederick Alan Wilks 1921 11-10-1944 23 Pilot Officer Pilot /Royal A. Force Volunteer Res.
Eric Peter Willcox 1914 01-09-1941 27 Squadron Leader / Royal Air Force 
Joseph Willdig 16-10-1918 11-10-1944 25 Private / Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 
George James Williams 1913 04-11-1944 31 Lance Corporal / Dorsetshire Regiment 
Harry Williams 1911 10-07-1943 32 Sergeant Air Gunner / Royal Air Force 
Alfred Frederick Williamson 1925 24-10-1944 19 Private / Devonshire Regiment 
Stephen Alan Willoughby 1916 13-05-1943 26 Flying Officer Bomb Aimer / Navig / Royal Air Force 
John Edgar Wilmore 20-09-1919 02-10-1944 25 Trooper / Life Guards 
Peter Cecil Wilmot 19-03-1926 19-01-1945 18 Private / Gloucestershire Regiment 
Bruce Wilson 02-1916 30-09-1944 Lance Corporal / Coldstream Guards
Douglas Anderson Wilson 06-01-1919 17-08-1941 22 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve
Eric Benjamin Wilson 1921 25-05-1944 22 Pilot Officer Pilot / Royal A. Force Volunteer Res. 
Jack Oliphant Wilson 1921 26-05-1943 21 Flight Sergeant / Royal Australian Air Force 
Joseph Wilson 1920 18-09-1944 24 Private / The Parachute Regiment
Maurice Arthur Wilson 1910 01-11-1944 34 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Noel Sydney Wilson 1918 12-06-1941 22 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Ralph James Wilson 1925 17-01-1945 19 Private / Leicestershire Regiment 
Robert Wilson 1921 12-03-1943 21 Sergeant Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Ronald John Charles Wilson 1925 22-12-1944 19 Trooper / Royal Tank Regiment
Victor Albert Wilson 1912 13-05-1943 30 Flying Officer Pilot / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
William Carmichael Wilson 21-12-1918 19-09-1944 25 Corporal / King's Own Scottish Borderers 
Ronald Henry Charles Wingfield 1916 04-10-1944 28 Private / Dorsetshire Regiment 
Jack Winn 03-1926 08-02-1945 Private/ Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg)
James Henry Winn 1920 07-10-1944 24 Private/ Highl.Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Reg)
James Edward Winthrop 1915 04-12-1944 29 Private / Army Catering Corps
John Victor Wisbey 1911 29-12-1944 33 Craftsman / Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineer 
Harold Walter Wise 1921 31-10-1944 23 Lieutenant / Hampshire Regiment 
George William Withey 08-07-1915 24-01-1945 29 Fusilier / Royal Scots Fusiliers 
Ernest Maurice Witt 22-10-1909 14-07-1943 33 Pilot Officer Bomb Aimer/ Royal Canadian Air Force 
Denzil Lloyd Wolfe 1918 14-07-1943 25 Squadron Leader / Royal Air Force 
Alfred Thomas Wood 1905 29-10-1944 39 Craftsman / Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineer 
Fred Wood 1921 16-07-1941 20 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / Royal Air Force 
Henry Edward Wood 02-09-1922 25-05-1945 22 Driver / Royal Army Service Corps
James Currie Wood 1918 25-05-1943 24 Flight Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Res. 
John Wood 1913 01-10-1944 31 Private / Green Howards (Yorkshire Regiment)
John Wood 07-1919 22-10-1944 Lance Corporal / King's Own Scottish Borderers
Ronald Wood 25-04-1924 16-01-1945 20 Private / Durham Light Infantry 
George Alan Woodcock 12-08-1925 02-04-1945 19 Private / Lincolnshire Regiment 
Raymond Woodcock 1921 05-10-1944 23 Driver / Royal Engineers
Richard William Woodhead 01-10-1922 20-01-1945 22 Trooper / Reconnaissance Corps 
Harry Woodyatt 1921 02-10-1944 23 Lance Corporal / Wiltshire Regiment 
Charles Woolf 1924 13-02-1945 20 Private / Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 
Charles Edward Woolley 1920 11-09-1944 24 Private / Wiltshire Regiment 
John Abraham Wordman 1921 02-12-1944 23 Trooper / Royal Armoured Corps 
Raymond Wordsworth 1914 08-07-1941 27 Flight Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Res. 
James Edward Worton 1910 10-03-1945 34 Fusilier / Royal Scots Fusiliers 
John Charles Wragg 1909 10-11-1944 35 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
Francis Wrennall 1912 08-02-1945 32 Lance Cpl. / Highl.Light Inf.(City of Glasgow Reg.) 
Douglas Wright 1921 09-01-1943 21 Sergeant Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve
Ernest Wright 1921 21-09-1944 23 Private / Hampshire Regiment
Fred Wright 1910 19-11-1944 34 Private / Cheshire Regiment 
George Roland Wright 1907 22-06-1943 35 Pilot Officer Navi.-Bomber / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
John Thompson Wright 1919 10-04-1941 21 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / Royal Canadian Air Force 
John William Wright 1923 28-10-1944 21 Private / Green Howards (Yorkshire Regiment) 
Norman Charles Wright 1913 08-06-1945 31 Gunner / Royal Artillery 
William Ernest Wright 1919 26-10-1944 25 Private / Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 
Stanley Patrick Wrigley 1914 09-05-1945 30 Flying Officer / Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 
Raymond Frederick Wyatt 23-02-1923 13-05-1945 22 Signalman / Royal Corps of Signals 
William James Wylie 1918 02-03-1945 26 Lance Corporal / Reconnaissance Corps
Ian Archer Wynn 03-01-1908 26-05-1943 35 Pilot Officer Flight Engineer / RAF Volunteer Res. 


Charles Albert Yarnall 1926 09-02-1945 18 Private / East Lancashire Regiment 
Malcolm James Yarwood 30-07-1910 21-09-1944 34 Pilot Officer Navigator / Royal New Zealand Air 
Edgar Roland George Yates 1920 08-02-1945 24 Private / East Lancashire Regiment 
Frederick Walter York 08-06-1916 17-08-1941 25 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Chancellor Young 26-01-1924 16-02-1945 21 Private / Seaforth Highlanders 
John Andrew Young 1922 03-10-1944 22 Corporal / Hampshire Regiment 
Robert Young 1926 12-02-1945 18 Private / Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders
Samuel Young 22-06-1944 Pilot Officer Air Bomber/ Royal Canadian Air Force
Sydney Charles Wayman Young 09-07-1914 23-09-1944 30 Major / Somerset Light Infantry 
Walter Young 1917 30-05-1943 25 Sergeant W.Op.-Air Gnr / RAF Volunteer Reserve 


Gordon Clifford Andrew Zedy 09-03-1920 15-06-1943 23 Sergeant*Air Gunner/ RAF Volunteer Reserve 
Johannes Leendert van der Zwan 20-06-1926 22-01-1945 18 Lid / Netherlands Army