Namenlijst Brits begraafplaats Sittard

Sittard War Cemetery Brits ereveld Sittard.

Op de begraafplaats liggen 252 doden uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog begraven, afkomstig uit landen van het Gemenebest. De doden zijn voor het grootste deel gesneuveld in januari en februari 1945, alsook enkelen in november 1944. De meesten behoorden tot de Schotse regimenten van de 52nd (Lowland) Division, dat betrokken was bij de gevechten (onder de naam Operation Blackcock) in de omgeving, van 18 tot 24 januari 1945. Die hadden tot doel een door de Duitsers bezette saillant ten westen van de Roer te veroveren. Een van de doden is Dennis Donnini, die op 19-jarige leeftijd sneuvelde. Hij is de jongste soldaat uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog die werd onderscheiden met het Victoria Cross.

Namenlijst van Britse militairen die zijn gesneuveld in Nederland tijdens WOII

Alfabetisch volgorde


Voornaam - achternaam - datum overlijden - rang en/of legeronderdeel



E.V. Addis 19-11-1944 WElsh Guards
P. Ahern 25-01-1945 sergeant Royal Marines 
D.C. Alexander 18-01-1945  fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
W. Alexander 18-01-1945  l. serjeant The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
A. Alford 19-01-1945  L.GPL The Cameronians 
T. Allanson 21-01-1945  Gunner 147th Essex Yeomanry Field Reg. R.A 
A.E. Allaway 24-01-1945 The King's Own Scott.Borderers
A.J. Allen 19-01-1945  Rifleman The Cameronians 
A.C. Angus 06-11-1945 The Norfolk Yeomanry Anti Tank Regt. R.A. 
K. Annan 03-12-1944  Gunner 107th Medium Regt RAC


G. Bagnall 24-01-1945 Rifleman The Cameronians 
A. Bain 18-01-1945  The Highland Light Inf.
T.R.C. Baker 18-01-1945  The Highland Light Inf. 
E.J. Baldwin 21-01-1945  The Glasgow Highlanders 
J. Balshaw 22-01-1945  Trooper Nottinghamshire Yeoman RAC
L. Barrowclif 2401945  Rifleman The Cameronians 
T. Beal 24-01-1945  L.CPL. The King 's Own Scott.Borderers 
J.C. Bell 24-01-1945  Rifleman The Cameronians 
W. Bell 23-01-1945  The Highland Light Inf.
D.C. Bennett 24-01-1945  The Royal Scotts
J.A. Bills 18-01-1945  fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
H.G. Bissett 25-01-1945  The King's Own Scott.Borderers 
J. Bowles 23-01-1945  The Highland LIght Inf. 
F. Bradley 19-01-1945  Serjeant 13/18th Royal Hussars RAC 
W.J. Broomfield 17-12-1944 serjeant Royal Artillery 
T.A. Bruin 22-01-1945  The Highland LIght Inf. 
G. Bullock 21-01-1945  The Glasgow Highlanders
K.G. Burchell 21-01-1945  L.CPL The Glasgow Highlanders 


F.A. Carey 23-01-1945   The Devonshire Regiment 
G. Carr 22-01-1945  Royal Army Medical Corps 
W.L. Carr 03-12-1944 lieutenant The Durham Light Infantry 
L. Chantler 18-01-1945  fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
A. Churchill 06-02-1945 0 gunner 59th Newfoundland Heavy Regiment R.A
A.R. Clack 31-01-1945 Lieutenant The Royal Berkshire Rgt. 
C. Cole 21-11-1944  Serjeant -141st Regt. RAC
J.B. Coleman 22-01-1945  rifleman The Cameronians 
P.H. Coleman 06-02-1945  gunner 59th Newfoundland Heavy Regiment R.A
L.J.F. Collins 09-02-1945 Lieutenant Royal Army Service Corps
F. Connelly 21-01-1945  lance corporal The Cameronians 
R. Creighton 22-01-1945  Serjeant Royal Army Medical Corps 
W.R. Crowther 18-01-1945  L.CPL. Royal engineers 
J. Cullen 24-01-1945  The Highland Light Inf.
A. Currie 20-01-1945  lance serjeant The Highland Light Inf. 


J.G.E. Dale 07-02-1945 wing commander Royal Air Force
R. Dale 18-01-1945 fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers
D.B. Davies 23-01-1945 Rifleman The Cameronians
H.V. Davies 21-11-1944  Corporal 141st REgm.R.AC
R. Diamond 20-01-1945  L.BDR 147th Essex Yeom.Field reg. R.A. 
S.G. Diver 19-01-1945 13th/18th Royal Hussars Royal Arm.Corps
W.S. Donaldson 24-01-1945  corporal The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
D. Donnini 18-01-1945  fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers 


B.C. Edwards 21-01-1945  L.BDR. Royal Artillery 
K.J. Edwards 19-11-1944 Guardsman Welsh Guards 
C.H. Eley 18-01-1945  L.CPL The Highland Light Inf. 
J. Elliot 24-01-1945 Captain The King's Own Scott.Borderers 
G.A. Ellison 18-01-1945  Private The Highland Light Inf.
W.G. Elms 20-01-1945  Trooper 4/7th Royal Dragoons Guards RAC 
P.B. Evans 21-11-1944 Captain 141st. Regt.R.A.C. 


A. Fish 19-01-1945  Rifleman The Cameronians 
W. Flatt 20-01-1945  lance corporal 8th King's Royal Irish Huss 
C. Fleming 20-01-1945  The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
H. Fletcher 21-01-1945  The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
A. Flower 18-01-1945  serjeant The Cameronians 
D.A. French 23-01-1945  rifleman The Cameronians 
J. Friel 23-01-1945 The Highland LIght Inf.


J. Gallagher 21-01-1945  rifleman The Cameronians 
R.D.C. Gant 22-12-1944  corporal Royal Tank Regiment
J. Gardner 21-01-1945 trooper 13th/18th Royal Hussars 
S.F. Gibbs 18-01-1945 lance serjeant Royal Engineers 
G. Girdwood 21-01-1945 captain Royal Artillery 
A. Graham 18-01-1945  Serjeant The Highland Light Inf.
M.V. Gray 22-01-1945 Major The Cameronians 
J.W. Greenhorn 18-01-1945  fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
F.G.S. Grimwood 23-01-1945 The Highland Light Inf.
M. Grogan 15-11-1944  Guardsman Irish Guards 
J. Groves 01-02-1945  gunner Royal Artillery
R.T.O. Guiney 29-01-1945 trooper 1st Lothians Border Yeo. 


K.A. Hackett 02-02-1945 flying officer Royal Air Force 
W.M. Halliday 18-01-1945  fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
J. Halliwell 25-01-1945  The Royal Scots 
B. Hammerton 08-02-1945 major M.B.E. B.SC. A.M.I.MECH.E. 
W. Hanna 17-01-1945 Trooper 141st REg, RAC 7h BNThe Buffs 
J. Harrup 22-01-1945 rifleman The Cameronians
J.R. Harvey 21-01-1945  Rifleman The Cameronians 
A.T. Heath 21-11-1944  Trooper 141st Regt.RAC
S. Henderson 21-01-1945  WOII CSM 
D. Hendry 23-01-1945  The Highland Light Inf. 
R. Henry 20-01-1945 The Glasgow Highlanders H.L.L.
C.H. Heywood 19-01-1945  Rifleman The Cameronians 
H.E. Higgs 22-01-1945 rifleman The Cameronians
E.A. Hill 19-01-1945  Rifleman The Cameronians 
J. Hogg 21-11-1944  trooper 141st Regt. RAC 
Vivienne Hole 23-01-1945 E.N.S.A.
M.S.T. Horner 21-01-1945  The Glasgow Highlanders 
T. Horner 21-01-1945  The King's Own Scottish Borderers
M. Hughes 22-01-1945  The Highland LIght Inf.
S.L. Hunt 23-01-1945 The Highland Light Inf.


W.H. Iliffe 21-11-1945  L.SJT. Field Regiment RAC


A.W. Jarvis 18-01-1945  Rifleman The Cameronians 
W. Johnston 23-01-1945  Rifleman The Cameronians 


R. Keane 18-01-1945 The Highland Light Inf. 
J.E. Keen 21-01-1945  Serjeant Nottinghemshire Yeoman RAC
A. Keenan 19-01-1945 Corporal The Cameronians 
A. Kemish 18-01-1945  The Highland LIght Inf. 
J.W. Kendrick 18-01-1945 Trooper Royal Tank Regiment RAC
J.M.C.N. Kerr 23-01-1945  corporal The Glasgow Highlanders
S.G. Kerr 21-01-1945  serjeant The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
D.F. Knibbs 21-01-1945  L.SJT Royal Artillery


D.F. Ladds 13-11-1944  L.CPL Grenadier Guards 
D. Lafferty 18-01-1945  lance corporal The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
F.A. Lawlor 23-01-1945  Trooper 15t Lothians Border Yeo. RAC 
S. Leonard 20-01-1945  The Glasgow Highlanders H.L.L. 
N. Livingstone 21-01-1945  The Glasgow Highlanders 
R. Lochhead 18-01-1945  The Cameronians 
W. Lorriman 03-01-1945  L.CPL The Highland Light Inf. 
T. Lynch - 08-02-1945  Ldg Aircraftman Royal Air Force 


D. Macauley 19-01-1945  corporal The Cameronians
S.H. Machin 21-01-1945  Serjeant The Cameronians 
A. Mackintosh 23-01-1945  Army Catering Corps
W. Malarky 21-01-1945  The Royal Scots 
A.D. Marshall 21-01-1945 The Royal Scots
J.G. Martin 22-01-1945  Royal Army Medical Corps 
R.F. Mason 19-01-1945  Royal Hussars RAC 
T. Matthews 25-11-1944 Serjeant Irish Guards 
L.E. May 23-01-1945  lance corporal The Queen's Royal Regiment 
L. Mayell 21-01-1945  The Glasgow Highlanders
A. McCallum 19-01-1945  Rifleman The Cameronians
S.C. McClelland 18-01-1945 lance corporal The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
R. McCollester 20-12-1944  gunner 107th Medium Regt. South Notts. Hus 
J.A. Mcfadyen 18-01-1945  Serjeant The Cameronians 
J. Mcghie 19011945 Serjeant The Cameronians 
P. Mcintosh 19-01-1945 rifleman The Cameronians
W.H. Mcintyre 23-01-1945  The Highland Light Inf. 
J. Mckenzie 21-01-1945  corporal the Highland Light Inf.
R. Mcknight 20-01-1945 Fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
J. Mclaughlin 23-01-1945 The Glasgow Highlanders
M. Mcnamara 16-01-1945  corporal R.E.M.E.
J.R. Mcnaughton 24-01-1945  Trooper 15th Lothians Border Yeo RAC 
E.P. Meer 19-01-1945  rifleman The Cameronians 
W.C. Miles 03-12-1944 Bombardier 107th Medium Regt. RAC 
D. Miller 24-01-1945  Trooper 15t.Lothians Border Yeo RAC 
G. Mitchell 21-01-1945 The Highland Light Inf. 
P. Monaghan 1945  The Glasgow Highlanders 
R. Moodie 19-01-1945  Rifleman The Cameronians 
T. Moore 21-11-1944  Trooper 141st Regt.RAC 
J.C. More 1945 Captain The Cameronians
E.J. Morgan 23-01-1945  rifleman The Cameronians 
A.H. Muir 24-01-1945  The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
C.J. Mullins 21-01-1945 lance corporal The King's Own Scottish Bor 
L. Munroe 19-01-1945  The Kings Own Scottish Borderers
J. Murphy 18-01-1945 fusilier The Roayl Scots Fusiliers 
J. Murray 24-01-1945  lance serjeant the King's Own Scottish Bor 
J.J. Murray 18-01-1945 L.SJT The Highland Light Inf. 
E.C. Myers 18-01-1945  trooper 141st Regt. R.A.C.


L.H. Neale 24-01-1945  The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
A.J.C. Nelson 18-01-1945  The Highland Light Inf. 
R.J. Nichols 23-01-1945  trooper 1st Lothians Border Yeo. 


R.R. O'Kelly 18-11-1944 Lieutenant Irish Guards 
G. O'Neill 23-01-1945  The Highland Light Inf. 


W.R. Papworth 03-02-1945  gunner Royal Artillery 
R.A. Park 18-01-1945 Fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers
R.J. Paston 18-11-1944  L.BDR Royal Artillery
J. Payne 18-01-1945  Fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers
V.J.A. Peckham 14-01-1945  private The Queen's Royal Regiment
R.A. Pett 21-01-1945 Rifleman The Cameronians 
P.J. Phillips 26-01-1945 gunner Royal Horse Artillery 
D. Podgurski 24-01-1945  lance corporal The Durham Light Infantry 
J. Pollock 22-01-1945 Lieutenant The HIghland Light. Inf. 
G.J. Price 15-02-1945 The Devonshire Regiment 


T. Radcliffe 19-01-1945  The King's Own Scottish Borderers
A.J. Ramsden 21-01-1945  lance corporal The Manchester Regiment 
F. Ramskill 27-12-1944  Royal Army Ordnance Corps 
A.D. Randall 29-11-1944 Guardsman Scots Guards 
E.T.G. Randall 21-01-1945 lieutenant Royal Engineers 
J. Reid 18-01-1945  Private The King's Own Scottisch Borderers
J.W. Reilly 18-01-1945  rifleman The Cameronians 
F. Richardson 14-01-1945  The Durham Light Infantry 
D. Robertson 18-01-1945 rifleman The Cameronians 
L. Rogers 21-01-1945  lance corporal The King's Own Scottish Bor 
A. Rouen 20-11-1944 Guardsman Irish Guards
G.J. Royal 22-01-1945  Fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
J.E. Rutter 23-01-1945 Gunner Royal Artillery


W.C. Sambourne 13-01-1945  lance corporal The Durham Light Infantry
V. Scott 20-01-1945 captain The King's Own Scottish Borderers 
L.F. Scrutton 24-01-1945  Private Manchester Regiment
H.C. Searle 22-01-1945  rifleman the Cameronians
H. Selfridge 18-01-1945  Corporal The Camerionians
L.G. Shadbolt 21-01-1945 rifleman The Cameronians 
C. Sheehan 23-01-1945  Serjeant Brit.Royal Hussars RAC 
A.R. Simmons 18-01-1945  trooper 141st Regt. R.A.C. 
F.A. Sitch 21-01-1945  trooper 13th/18th Royal Hussars
A. Slater 22-01-1945  private the Highland Light Inf. 
A.H. Smith 18-01-1945  rifleman The Cameronians
J. Smith 22-01-1945  The Highland Light Inf. 
S. Smith 18-01-1945  The Highland Light Inf. 
V.J. Smith 25-01-1945  driver Royal Army Service Corps 
W.W. Smith 18-01-1945 corporal The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
G.D. Snowdon 20-01-1945 Private The Highland Light Inf. 
R.C. Standing 25-01-1945  The Devonshire Regiment 
F.J.W. Starling 18-01-1945  Rifleman The Cameronians
J. Steel 18-01-1945  fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
T.W. Sterling 19-01-1945  Rifleman The Cameronians 
R. Stewart 07-02-1945  trooper Royal Tank Rgt. Royal Armoured Cor
L.A. Stone 21-01-1945  trooper 141ST Regt. R.A.C. 
F. Stones 18-01-1945  corporal The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
G. Sweeney  The Manchester Regiment 


R.B. Tatum 24-01-1945  lance serjeant 147th Essex Yeoma Fld Reg
J.H. Taubman 21-01-1945 serjeant The Nottinghamshire Yeomanry 
H. Taylor 18-01-1945  Private The Highland Light Inf.
J.D. Taylor 18-01-1945  The Highland Light Inf.
L.G. Taylor 18-01-1945  fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
R.J. Taylor 22-01-1945  gunner Royal Artillery 
R.H. Thomas 01-02-1945  gunner Royal Artillery
D. Thomson 18-01-1945  Rifleman The Cameronians 
K.R. Tinkler 18-01-1945  fusilier The Royal Scots Fusiliers 
G.E. Turland 18-01-1945  trooper 141st Regt. R.A.C.
R. Turner 31-01-1945  The Durham Light Infantry


N.R. Warren 19-01-1945 major The Cameronians 
E. Watkinson 18-01-1945  Corporal The Cameronians
R.A. Watters 19-01-1945  rifleman The Cameronians
A.N. Watts 23-01-1945  rifleman The Cameronians 
S.G. Weaver 21-11-1944  L.CPL 141st Regt.RAC
F. Wells 24-01-1945 The King's Own Scott.Borderers
A.E. Whatmough 18-11-1944  Guardsman Irish Guards 
F. White 05-02-1945 driver Royal Engineers
G.W. White 18-01-1945  corporal The Rifle Brigade 
G.R. Wilkes 22-12-1944 bombardier 107th Medium Rgt & South Notts Hussars
F. Williams 09-01-1945  The Durham Light Infantry 
G.T. Williams 25-01-1945  lance corporal The Highland Light Inf. 
R. Wills 18-01-1945  The Durham Light Infantry 
E.R.W. Wilson 25-11-1944 Gunner Royal Artillery
W.G. Wiseman 21-11-1944 Serjeant 141st Regt.RAC 


A. Yarwood 21-01-1945 The King's Own Scottish Borderers